Chapter 44

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The room erupted in gasps, everyone frozen in disbelief. Yuvaan had thrown Natasha to the wolves, sealing her fate. Yash's grip on her tightened, and he looked back at Yuvaan, his smile growing.

"You've made the right choice, Yuvaan," Yash said softly, dragging Natasha toward the exit.

The nightmare had only just begun.


Natasha's eyes shot open in terror, her heart pounding in her chest as the cold, suffocating darkness enveloped her. She could barely make out her surroundings, the dim light overhead flickering like a dying flame. She lay on the cold, hard floor of a room that reeked of dampness and decay. The metallic tang of blood hung in the air, and her entire body ached with an overwhelming pain that made it hard to breathe.

She forced herself to look up, her gaze blurry but filled with a quiet resolve. In front of her stood Yash, his tall figure barely illuminated by the faint light. He was holding a thick iron rod, the weight of it making his arm muscles tense. His eyes, once familiar and kind, were now cold, void of any warmth or compassion.

"You know how our family died?" he asked, his voice low, chilling. There was no emotion, just an eerie calmness that sent shivers down Natasha's spine.

Natasha remained silent. Her lips were dry and cracked, her throat too parched to form any words. She couldn't respond even if she wanted to. Deep down, she knew that no words would ease the storm of hatred that was now consuming Yash.

He narrowed his eyes at her silence, the rod in his hand swinging slightly as if testing its weight. "I'll show you then," he hissed, his voice dripping with venom.

Before she could brace herself, the rod came crashing down on her back with brutal force. The sharp pain shot through her body like fire, and she gasped, her mouth filling with the metallic taste of blood. The force of the blow was so intense that she vomited blood onto the floor, her body trembling as the shock of it rattled her to the core.

But the physical pain... it was nothing compared to what she had felt back at the Palace.

Her mind was filled with flashes of betrayal, the echoes of voices from the past haunting her. The faces of those she once trusted, those she loved, flickered before her eyes. The pain that Yash was inflicting upon her now was unbearable, but nothing compared to the agony that had torn her apart when her own people turned their backs on her.

The people she thought would protect her.

The people she called her family.

Tears burned in her eyes, but she forced them back, swallowing the anguish that threatened to break her. Yash continued to beat her, the rod coming down over and over again, bruising her flesh, breaking her bones, and yet, Natasha refused to scream. She clenched her fists, nails digging into her palms as she bit down on her lip to stop herself from crying out. She had endured worse-much worse-and she knew that no matter what, she couldn't show weakness now.

Yash, breathing heavily from his exertion, finally stopped. His eyes bore into her, filled with a twisted satisfaction. He stared at her broken form with disdain. "I won't let you die that easily, Sister," he spat, his voice venomous. "You will endure all the pain you gave our family. Every lash, every drop of blood... I'll make sure you suffer just as they did when you murdered them." His voice wavered, not with weakness, but with rage. "That's my promise."

Natasha, struggling to even breathe, dared to meet his gaze. There was a flicker of something in his eyes, something she couldn't quite place-perhaps a fragment of the brother she once knew. But it was gone just as quickly as it appeared. He threw the rod aside, its metallic clang echoing ominously in the room, and without another word, he turned and walked out, leaving her alone in the suffocating darkness.

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