Chapter 56

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She had made her choice. And she would stand by it, no matter what it cost her.


The unending rays of the sun finally decided to disguise themselves under the soft blankets of the sky, announcing the gentle yet bright start of a new morning. The golden light streamed through the windows of the Singhania Palace, casting a warm glow that danced across the room, settling on Rudra's face. The touch of the sunlight made his brown skin gleam like burnished gold, rousing him from his sleep. As he blinked awake, his mind instantly leaped to one thought—his eldest sister, the one they had been searching for, the one he had been missing. Without a second thought, a wide, joyful smile spread across his face.

Springing out of bed with newfound energy, Rudra hurried to the washroom. His movements were quick and purposeful, every step reflecting the excitement bubbling inside him. He washed his face, brushed his teeth, and went through his entire morning routine at record speed, not wanting to waste a second longer. Today wasn’t just any ordinary day—today was the day he had been waiting for.

Heading to his wardrobe, Rudra grabbed a pair of loose black baggy pants and an oversized white T-shirt. The comfort of the clothes didn’t matter; all that mattered was speed. He dressed quickly, running his fingers through his tousled hair before darting out of his room.

Descending the grand staircase of the palace, Rudra’s heartbeat quickened with each step. His eyes fell on Darshana, who was already standing at the bottom of the stairs, her face glowing with excitement. She had dressed in a simple yet elegant pink kurti and white leggings, but it was her eyes, bright with joy, that caught his attention. For a moment, the siblings stood there, gazing at each other in shared understanding. Today was special, and they both knew it.

Without a word, they rushed toward each other, enveloping one another in a tight embrace. It wasn’t just a hug—it was a celebration, a release of all the anxiety, longing, and hope they had carried for so long. "Finally, Rudra... we found didi," Darshana whispered, her voice trembling with happiness. Her smile was infectious, spreading to Rudra's lips as he squeezed her tighter.

"Yes, we did," he replied, his voice low but filled with conviction. "And now, we have to go to her as fast as we can."

The urgency in his tone matched the determination in his eyes. No more waiting. No more wondering.

Breaking the hug, Rudra grabbed Darshana’s hand and, together, they rushed out of the palace. The morning air was crisp and refreshing, the perfect backdrop for their newfound hope. The siblings moved with purpose, their hearts set on one goal—reuniting with their sister, the one they had missed for too long.

The world seemed to blur around them as they headed for their destination, their minds racing with thoughts of the reunion to come. Nothing else mattered now. This was their moment.

They wasted no time. The car was ready, and within minutes, they were on the road. The early morning light bathed the landscape in a golden hue as they sped toward the village. The countryside blurred around them, fields and trees passing by as if the world itself was rushing to catch up to the moment they had been waiting for.

Darshana sat quietly beside him, her fingers fidgeting in her lap. Though she usually wore her emotions on her sleeve, today was different. Her joy was tempered by an undercurrent of nervousness. What if things weren’t as they remembered? What if their didi had changed? But Rudra’s confidence never wavered. He knew that no matter what had happened over the past few years, their bond with Natasha was unbreakable.

The village came into view, its narrow roads winding through small, rustic houses, their walls painted with time. The air here was different—quieter, simpler. Rudra navigated the car down the narrow lanes, following the directions he had memorized. It wasn’t long before they spotted it: a small, cozy shop nestled on the edge of the village, with a hand-painted sign that read Didi’s Coffee and Flowers.

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