Chapter 35

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Ravenous let out a low, satisfied purr from his spot beside Yuvaan, as if to confirm what Yuvaan had just said. The panther’s presence, once terrifying, now seemed almost comforting. In some strange, unexpected way, Natasha felt a sense of acceptance—like she had passed some invisible test.

And for the first time in a long while, she didn’t feel so alone.


Natasha slowly opened her eyes, the soft rays of the morning sun spilling into the room, casting a golden hue over everything. She blinked, her vision adjusting to the brightness, and instinctively reached out to the other side of the bed, where Yuvaan usually slept. But her hand met only cool, empty sheets. He wasn’t there. Again.

She sighed, rolling onto her back and staring at the ceiling. It wasn’t surprising that Yuvaan had already left. He had a habit of waking up early, always busy with one thing or another, never allowing himself the luxury of rest. It was something that both frustrated and intrigued her—the way he seemed to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, never slowing down. But today, it left her feeling oddly alone.

After a few moments of lying in silence, Natasha pushed herself up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. The floor was cold beneath her feet as she stood, stretching her arms above her head and feeling the familiar ache in her muscles. She had barely taken a few steps when something caught her eye.

A flash of white near the window.

Her brow furrowed as she walked toward it, already knowing what she would find. Sure enough, there it was—a small sticky note, the corners fluttering gently in the morning breeze from the slightly open window. Her heart clenched, a mixture of frustration and anticipation building inside her as she approached it.

She reached out and carefully plucked the note from where it had been stuck, feeling the familiar texture of the paper between her fingers. Her eyes scanned the handwriting, the words as taunting as ever.

“Good morning, Moon. Had a nice sleep? We will meet soon.”

Natasha crumbled the note in her hands, her jaw tightening in frustration. This wasn’t the first time she’d found one of these cryptic messages, and each time it felt like the elusive figure known as "Satan" was mocking her from the shadows. It was infuriating how he always seemed to be one step ahead, leaving these notes for her to find, knowing they would get under her skin.

"I will find you one day, Satan," she muttered under her breath, her voice filled with determination.

She tossed the crumpled note into the trash bin by the window, turning away as her mind raced. Who was this person really? Why did he leave these notes, playing this twisted game with her? It had been happening for days now—every morning she would wake up to find another note, always in the same handwriting, always signed "Satan."

Natasha couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this than just a cruel game. Something deeper was at play, something personal. She had never spoken of it to Yuvaan—partly because she didn’t want him to worry, and partly because she wasn’t sure what to make of it herself. But today, something about the note unsettled her more than usual. The words felt... closer. As if "Satan" wasn’t just toying with her from a distance anymore, but closing in.

She exhaled sharply and moved toward the bathroom, trying to shake off the lingering unease. Her thoughts were always a mess in the mornings, especially after finding one of those notes. A part of her was tempted to tell Yuvaan, but knowing him, he’d likely go on the hunt immediately, turning this quiet cat-and-mouse game into an all-out war. She couldn’t risk that, not yet.

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