Chapter 42

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As the night wore on, Yuvaan stayed where he was, unable to tear his gaze away from the woman who had come to mean more to him than he had ever realized. The anger, the frustration, the confusion-they were all still there, swirling inside him. But beneath it all, there was something else. Something deeper.

Something that told him that no matter what had happened, no matter what lies had been told, he couldn't let go of Natasha.

Not yet. Not ever.

The Singhania Palace was eerily silent, despite the usual morning bustle. The first rays of sunlight filtered through the large, arched windows, casting a warm, golden hue on the marble floors. The delicate glow did little to chase away the tension that clung to the air like an invisible weight, a remnant of the previous night's bitter accusations and unspoken regrets. Every movement within the house felt heavy, burdened by the unspoken conflict simmering beneath the surface.

Yuvaan woke up with a sharp ache in his head, a result of the restless, sleepless night that had plagued him. His mind had been in turmoil, replaying the events over and over, as though searching for something-anything-that might justify his actions. But he found nothing. The faint morning light highlighted the dark circles under his bloodshot eyes, making him look more gaunt than usual. With a heavy sigh, he dragged himself out of bed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. His entire body felt stiff, as if the weight of his guilt had settled in his bones overnight.

He dressed quickly, his hands moving mechanically. Each movement felt disconnected from his mind, as though he was merely going through the motions, his thoughts already elsewhere. The image of Natasha in the garden, her eyes distant and filled with pain, had haunted him all night. It gnawed at him in a way he hadn't expected. He had seen her anger before, but this was different-deeper, more personal. The hurt in her eyes had pierced through the thick walls of his defenses, leaving him vulnerable and confused.

As Yuvaan made his way downstairs, his heart pounded in his chest, the tension growing with each step. His eyes immediately swept over the hall, searching for her. His chest tightened when he realized Natasha wasn't there. Instead, Rudra and Meera sat on opposite sides of the room, talking quietly, though their conversation seemed forced. There was a palpable coldness between them, a stark contrast to the easy camaraderie they usually shared. Yuvaan's gaze flickered away from them, scanning the room once more, but there was still no sign of Natasha.

He spotted Darshana sitting by the large window, her arms crossed tightly over her chest as she stared out at the garden. She seemed distant, her usually warm and playful demeanor replaced by something colder, more guarded. The sight unsettled Yuvaan further. Darshana had always been the light-hearted one, the person who diffused tension with her curiosity and humor. But today, she looked angry-angrier than he'd ever seen her.

Yuvaan approached her cautiously, unsure of what to expect. "Darshana," he called softly, his voice rough from lack of sleep. "Where's Natasha?"

Darshana didn't turn to look at him immediately. She remained by the window, her gaze fixed on something far beyond the garden, her expression hard. When she finally did look at him, her eyes were cold, filled with a resentment that Yuvaan hadn't anticipated. "Why do you care, Bhai?" she asked, her tone sharp and cutting. "Haven't you done enough?"

Yuvaan recoiled slightly, taken aback by the venom in her words. His brows furrowed, irritation flaring in response to the accusation. "What do you mean? I'm just asking where she is."

"Don't act like you don't know," Darshana said, rising from her seat. Her movements were deliberate, and as she stood, it became clear that her usual softness was gone, replaced by a fierceness Yuvaan wasn't used to. She took a step closer to him, her gaze never leaving his. "You were wrong, Bhai. All of you were. And you don't even have the decency to admit it."

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