Chapter 59

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As the door slammed shut behind him, the room was plunged back into suffocating silence, save for the soft, broken breaths of the man who had dared to cross Reyaansh Singh Rajvansh.


Natasha sat in the cozy corner of the cafe, the aroma of fresh coffee and pastries wafting through the air, blending seamlessly with the sound of children laughing. Her smile was radiant as she watched Ananya and her friends animatedly talk about their little adventures. Across the table, Reyaansh leaned in with a playful smirk, teasing the kids with light-hearted jokes. Natasha’s laughter rang out, a soft melody that hadn’t been heard in a long time. There was something about this moment—simple, free, unburdened—that made her feel like herself again.

For once, she wasn’t thinking about the weight of her past or the mess of emotions that Yuvaan had stirred within her. Reyaansh’s presence, though familiar, didn’t overwhelm her; it was comforting. Ananya adored him, and her laughter bubbled up even more whenever he tried to make funny faces, causing Natasha to laugh along, her heart lighter than it had been in years.

But Yuvaan, standing in the shadows, saw none of the lightness. His world was dark, and his eyes were fixed on Natasha—specifically on the way her smile lingered in Reyaansh’s direction. His chest tightened as an ugly, burning sensation churned within him. That smile wasn’t for Reyaansh, couldn’t be for him. It twisted something sharp inside Yuvaan, igniting a rage that had no reason but felt all too justified in his mind.

He balled his fists, jaw clenched so tight he could hear his teeth grind. The sight of Natasha—his Natasha—laughing so freely with Reyaansh gnawed at him. He couldn’t control the jealousy that flared like wildfire, nor the possessiveness that followed. His blood boiled, but instead of confronting them directly, Yuvaan’s thoughts turned dark.

Without a moment’s hesitation, he yanked his phone from his pocket and dialed Dev’s number.

"Bring Ravenous to me. Now," Yuvaan's voice was cold, sharp as steel.

Dev hesitated for a brief second, confusion evident in his silence, but he quickly complied. When Yuvaan gave an order, there were no questions asked.

Minutes later, the cafe’s door creaked open, and in padded Ravenous—silent, sleek, and menacing. The panther’s black fur glistened under the soft lighting, and its piercing yellow eyes scanned the room, immediately striking fear into every soul present. Gasps filled the air, followed by the terrified shrieks of the children. Ananya’s friends scrambled behind tables and chairs, their faces pale with fear, while Reyaansh stiffened, his normally confident demeanor faltering in the face of the massive predator.

Natasha felt Ananya's small hands clutch onto her arm, trembling, her eyes wide with fear as they locked onto Ravenous.

“Natasha...?” Ananya’s voice was barely a whisper, filled with terror.

Natasha’s gaze hardened as she turned to face Yuvaan, standing near the entrance with a smug expression, watching the chaos he had unleashed. She knew this was him—he had done this deliberately. A fire blazed within her, and for a moment, her mind raced, but she forced herself to stay calm. She couldn’t afford to lose control, not here, not with Ananya and the kids.

"Reyaansh, take Ananya and the children to the back," Natasha said, her voice calm but firm, masking the anger building beneath her calm exterior.

Reyaansh hesitated, his gaze shifting between Natasha and the panther. Though he feared Ravenous, he trusted Natasha, and with a quick nod, he gathered the children, ushering them toward the far end of the cafe.

As the cafe emptied around her, Natasha’s fury only grew. Her steps were measured as she approached Yuvaan, each one filled with simmering rage. He didn’t move, standing there with Ravenous beside him, as if daring her to come closer. His eyes were unreadable, but Natasha knew Yuvaan well enough—this was his way of staking a claim, of asserting control over something he had no right to control.

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