Chapter 27

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The growl turned into a roar—a blood-curdling, earth-shaking roar that seemed to reverberate through the walls themselves.

Natasha’s heart pounded furiously in her chest as the realization hit her: whatever was making that sound was getting closer.

Natasha’s chest tightened as her head turned slowly, almost unwillingly, toward the source of the sound. Her gaze was met with a chilling sight—two glowing golden eyes piercing through the darkness, locking onto hers. The eyes were cold, predatory, filled with an intensity that made her heart race faster than ever before. She felt a shiver of terror crawl up her spine as she realized what was watching her.

She instinctively took two trembling steps back, the faint creak of the floor beneath her feet echoing in the silent hallway. The creature, cloaked in shadow, took a step forward, moving with slow, deliberate grace. As it emerged from the darkness, its sleek black coat shimmered faintly in the dim light, revealing the unmistakable form of a panther. Its powerful muscles rippled with each movement, and its sharp, menacing claws scraped lightly against the floor.

Natasha’s breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in disbelief. *How was this even possible?* A black panther—here, in the Palace? It made no sense, but there it was, standing not far from her, staring with an almost human-like fury in its eyes. She could feel the weight of its gaze, as if the animal saw her as an intruder in its territory, and its low growl confirmed her worst fear.

It was hunting her.

Panic surged through her body like a shock of electricity. Her instincts screamed at her to run, but her feet felt glued to the spot. For a split second, all she could do was stare back at the massive predator, her mind struggling to process the danger. Then, without thinking, she squeezed her eyes shut, hoping that somehow, by closing them, this nightmare would disappear.

But it didn’t.

“Ahhhhhhh! Someone! Helppppppp meeeeeeeeee!” Her scream pierced the silence, desperate and raw, as she finally broke free from her paralysis. Her voice echoed through the empty halls, but the only response she got was the sound of her own panicked breath.

Natasha turned on her heels and ran, her heart pounding so violently that she feared it might burst. Her legs felt shaky, unsteady, but sheer adrenaline pushed her forward. Behind her, the panther let out a deafening roar and sprang into action, its powerful body moving with a terrifying grace and speed.

She could hear the heavy thuds of its paws hitting the floor, getting closer with each passing second. The realization that it was chasing her sent a fresh wave of terror crashing over her, and she cursed under her breath, adrenaline spurring her on. The long corridors of the Palace stretched endlessly before her, but every twist and turn she took only seemed to prolong the chase.

“Damn you! Damn you!” she cursed through ragged breaths, her voice strained from the effort. Her mind was frantic, searching for any possible escape, but there was none. The labyrinthine halls of the palace felt like a prison, with no clear way out, and the panther was relentless in its pursuit.

Natasha’s chest burned as she ran, her lungs screaming for air. She could hear the panther’s snarls growing louder behind her, a chilling reminder that it was only a matter of time before it caught up. Desperate for some kind of defense, she grabbed the nearest object—a large porcelain vase from a side table—and hurled it behind her. It shattered against the ground with a deafening crash, but the panther barely slowed down, dodging the debris with ease.

Frantic, Natasha grabbed anything within reach as she bolted down the hall. Candlesticks, picture frames, even books—all were thrown in the direction of the beast. Each object smashed against the walls or the floor, creating an almost constant cacophony of destruction. But the panther was undeterred, its golden eyes fixed on her with unrelenting focus.

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