Chapter 46

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Yuvaan's name echoed in her mind again, and with it came the promise that she would survive this. She would make it out of this darkness, one way or another. And when she did, she would reclaim every piece of herself that had been stolen.

Even if it killed her.


1 week later...

The room was dimly lit, with shadows dancing on the walls as the faint moonlight crept in through the cracked window. Natasha sat in the middle of the cold, empty room, wearing a red saree that clung to her bruised, trembling body. The vibrant color, once a symbol of strength, now seemed like a cruel contrast to her lifeless expression. She looked at the glowing moon outside the window, its soft light a reminder of the world that continued to exist beyond her prison.

A single tear slipped down her cheek, a small token of the immense pain she had been harboring for the past week. One week, she thought, one long, torturous week. The days blurred together, each one more unbearable than the last. She had been enduring all the suffering inflicted by Yash and Anand, their cruelty knew no bounds.

Her once fiery spirit felt dimmed now, caged in a body covered with the scars of her torment. Her wrists bore the marks of restraint, her ankles bruised from being dragged. She no longer recognized herself. There was nothing left in her, except pain-pain that swelled and ebbed like a storm she couldn't escape.

The soft creak of the door snapped her from her thoughts. Her heart skipped a beat as dread flooded her veins. She turned her head slowly towards the sound, knowing all too well who it was. Anand, again. He entered the room with his heavy footsteps echoing in the silence. His face was masked with lust, his eyes darkened with intentions she had come to fear.

He wasted no time. Grabbing her wrist, he yanked her up with brutal force, dragging her toward the bed. Natasha didn't fight. She didn't resist. She simply lay there as he threw her onto the mattress, her body sinking into the fabric, cold and unyielding. She turned her face to the side, staring at the wall as if it could provide her some solace from the horrors happening to her.

Who would come to save me? The thought echoed in her mind, over and over again, like a mantra of despair. No one would. Yuvaan had thrown her into the arms of these monsters himself. He was the one who had abandoned her here, left her to rot in the hell he had created. Yet, despite all logic, despite the betrayal, a tiny flicker of hope still refused to die inside her.

Yuvaan will come for me... won't he?

The hope was fragile, barely there, but it was all she had left. It was the one thing that stopped her from completely falling apart. But each passing day, each encounter with Anand, with Yash, made that hope dim a little more. She couldn't hold onto it much longer.

Anand's breath was hot and ragged as he hovered over her. His hands moved with purpose, yanking at her saree, tearing it away to reveal her bare waist. His touch was rough, leaving bruises in its wake. Her body was already covered in scratches, scars-gifts from him and Yash, reminders of the violence they inflicted on her.

But she felt nothing now. She had gone numb, her body and mind disconnected. Anand's hands trailed over her skin, his fingers tracing the curves of her stomach before stopping just above her saree bottom.

Her chest rose and fell with shallow breaths, her mind trying to escape to a place where the pain couldn't reach her. But she wasn't fast enough. He leaned down, his mouth latching onto her neck, sucking and biting with the same violent hunger that had marked her before. The pain was sharp, but she barely winced. It was a sensation she had come to expect, her body conditioned to the abuse.

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