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I woke up to the sound of sizzling from the stove, I got up thinking that someone must be cooking and exited my room to see Lara cooking some bacon on the stove. "Morning, (Y/N), want some bacon?" She said as she turned the stove off and put 3 on my plate.

"Yeah, thanks. So how's you?" I said as I sat down at my breakfast bar and chewed on the bacon. "Meh, although I am happy" Lara said as she sat beside me and ate her bacon as well. "Happy for what?" I asked as I swallowed my bacon and moved onto the next one.

"Well two reasons" Lara smirked, "One: you finally have something exciting to do besides sit at your desk and be miserable for most of the time"
"Oh gee thanks!" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes at her. "Okay, I'm sorry, Ms grumpy! But let me finish first" Lara teased and nudged my shoulder, "the second reason is you found someone I know you like!"

I stopped eating and dropped my bacon on the plate. "Can you not, what if he's outside right now? Besides I just met him yesterday and I would like to know more of him before I admit it" I almost coughed at what I said. My eyes went wide and my cheeks went pink, what the hell would I say something like that?

"So you are admitting it!" Lara said with realization and began making kissing sounds. "N-no!" I waved my hands in front of my face in a panic formation, "That's not what I meant at all! I didn't even mean to say that!"

"Then why did you?" Lara said but before I could answer the doorbell rang. "Uh who is it?" I raised my voice higher and waited for an answer. "Its uh me, (Y/N). You know, Sonic?" The voice behind the door made me jump up in panick and run into my room. "Just give me a minute and I'll be out with you!" I called out and quickly got changed and applied a little bit of make up on.

"He he, your date is waiting, (Y/N)!" Lara said through the keyhole and was giggling. "Why didn't you tell me what the time was?" I whispered yelled at her and opened the door. "Well you never asked for one and two, I like watching you panick" Lara replied and folded her arms while following me. "Wow, you're such a good friend" I said sarcastically again and sped walk over to the door. "Well you love me" Lara said before I opened the door.

"Hey, Sonic, sorry to keep you waiting" I apologized sheepishly and grabbed my bag with my phone and keys inside. "Hey, it's no biggie besides we got chaos emeralds to investigate!" Sonic said with a happy face as he picked me up bridal style again and we were off.

Once again I hid my face in his chest so I wouldn't get dizzy and held on tightly to his neck, but not too tight!

What's the word again that people use when they see two people together?

The voice was talking again but it seemed to be thinking about something.
'Say what now?' I asked and it seemed to have found what it was looking for. Oo, I got it! I 'ship' you two! I think that's right...
'Oh my god, not you too!' I groaned in my mind and sighed.
Haha, ah young love I love it!
'Young love?'
What? I can totally tell you're both in love!

If I could face palm I would but that would make me look like a weirdo in front of Sonic. I guess I'll leave you alone for now, besides you'll be meeting me shortly.
Okay I was actually kind of looking forward to that already, finally I get to meet the creep in my mind! And its only been a day!

We arrived at Sonic's cabin and went straight to the lab again. Of course I received glares from Amy and greeting from Tails and the others, but something felt off. I was in here before but I don't remember feeling of being scared of something. "So.. Um, (Y/N)? You're really quiet today, is something off?" Sonic turned around and asked while he leaned on the desk like last time. "No, its nothing. Just trying to recall yesterday, you know?" I lied.

I didn't want Sonic to worrying about me, even if this sounds kind of weird. "So anything new you wanna talk about?" Sonic asked and I remembered what the voice told me last night: 'history'

"How about it's history?" I suggested and Sonic frowned in thought. "That's a hard one" he said, "Well no one actually knows where or when they come from, they've just been there the entire time for as long as I can remember to be honest"
"Seems reasonable" I agreed and as we were thinking up theories, Knuckles busted through the door with a worried look.

"Sonic! The Master Emerald is gone!" He shouted and ran straight towards us. "What, gone?!" Sonic said and hopped off the counter, "Did Eggman get it?"

"No, it just vanished into thin air! I was there when it happened.... And t-the chaos emeralds have lost their power completely!" Knuckles became more worried and panicky. "Calm down, Knuckles. Now where did you last seen it?" I tried making him breathe slowly and he eventually calmed down.

"I saw it just a hour ago but I must've fallen asleep. But I'm a light sleeper so Eggman couldn't have stolen it because I would've heard him and Rouge couldn't have stolen it because I can hear her wings and high heels from a mile away!" Knuckles sighed and sat on a stool nearby.

Well I can't really help to say that was me~

"You did this?" I whispered to myself by accident and I think it got Sonic and Knuckles attention.

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