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Do you think about me when you're all alone? The things we used to do and used to be. I could be the one to be to make you feel that way, I could be the one to set you free....

I was so fed up with how life has given me the wrong directions. Sonic wasn't on, everyone was else wasn't; but being in here, I could feel my anger began to build it's own wall over me, taking control. I felt my powers generating and the little screen that showed me how everyone was doing now echoed their confused screams. My powers kept going until they reached the maximum I could handle, I yelled and soon heard it being echoed on the screen. My eyes shut tightly in concentration and frustration.

No one's P.O.V (I'm only doing this once, hopefully)

(Y/N)'s broken gem began glowing and soon a flash escaped from inside, covering her body like it was a blanket. "W-WHA?!" Luna yelled and soon everyone saw. "What the fuck?!" Nickey screamed and Sonic ran over. "(Y/N), please wake up!" he begged as he was now pulled back by Sky. He shook his head at Sonic who now looked even more worried than ever. "It's no use, the closer you are to her the more danger you're putting yourself into" Emerald explained with a hand up to shield her eyes from the light. "She's using her negative energy to break free" Sky said and soon an explosion occurred knocking everyone back.

Do you think about me when the crowd is gone? It used to be so easy you and me. I could be the one to make you feel that way, I could be the one to set you free.

Back to Your P.O.V
My eyes were kept shut and I didn't even want to open them until I was free. 'Sonic, I'm coming for you!' I said with determination even though I knew he couldn't hear me, 'Please wait for me....'

No one's P.O.V.
Emerald ran forward but only got stopped by Sky. "What are you doing?" He asked as the light began to go down. "Doing what is right" she replied and tried to get out of his grasp.
"Are you crazy? You'll never be able to get out!"

"I don't care! (Y/N) has been taken away from us too many times, I'm not letting that happen again! I'm not letting her experience that hell hole like we did!" And with that yelled Sherman towards the light as it faded away, "Goodbye..."

"EMERALD!!" everyone screamed as she disappeared with the light. (Y/N) slowly opened her eyes and regained her sight. "Mmph..." she grunted and Sonic ran to her side. "(Y/N), can you hear me?" He asked softly and she nodded, "Loud and clear, Sonic, loud and clear".

Everyone still remained quiet and soon (Y/N) asked a question they all never wanted to ask.

"Where's Emerald?" She asked and they all bowed their heads down; she isn't going to like the answer, is she? Shadow walked out of the room and Knuckles looked out of the window. "(Y/N), honey, Emerald's...." Rouge started but her ears drooped down indicating it wasn't good news at all. (Y/N) covered her mouth with her hands, "She... She's not... No, no!".

Sonic now cradled the weeping (Y/N) in his arms and everyone tried to comfort her in anyway. Sky hadn't said a word ever since but finally spoke up.

"If you think she's dead, you're wrong. She's just gone out of this world and into another" Sky left to go to his room and soon Nickey gasped.

"Then that must mean she's in mine" she explained, "When she came looking for help before Mephiles got her, she said that she was meant to be non-exsistant in my world like I am here"

"You really think she's there?" Luna said with doubt. Rachel shrugged, "Only one way to find out, I guess".

Knuckles frowned in confusion. "What's wrong, Knux?" Rouge asked, making his cheeks blush a little. "I.." he started and sighed, "I can sense the Master Emerald's presence again".
"Are you sure?" Manic asked and Knuckles nodded. "Besides why would a light flash in the distance just after Emerald left?".

"Unless..." The confused and sad, (Y/N), said while staring down at her fingers, "She is still there but not here...."

Okay I know it's short but I just finished this in school even though I wasn't meant to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, hope you enjoy and comment what you think your fate is going to be!!!!

This is Minja signing out, peace

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