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"You're not my real father, are you?" A little brown cat girl asked while holding her mother's hand. "Of course I am! Why would you say something like that?" Lord Makato said and crouched down to her level.

"Daddy wouldn't be carrying his sword around" she pointed to where his sword was. The mother giggled and picked the girl up, "You must be really tired, sweetie. Daddy would do no such thing-"

The mother gasped and looked at her stomach to see a sword poking right through. She dropped the child and started to cough up blood. "Mommy!" The girl screamed and soon another person entered the room. It was a young boy who now looked terrified after what he just saw.

Lord Makato wasn't himself, he transformed into Mephiles. "Finally that annoying bitch is out of the way. Now..." He looked at the two kids and took out his sword from the mother's body, "Time to use you"

With that said he took a small gem out and activated it. The girl's necklace glowed as well as the boy's bracelet. The gem pulled them towards a portal and the kids struggled to get out of it's grasp. "No, mommy!" They both screamed as they went through the portal and never came out ever again. "Sir, they are inside the Master Emerald now" a man came out of the shadows to show a giant gem glowing uncontrollably.

"Excellent, this kingdom is now mine"
I woke up to see myself staring at a chair with someone in it. My vision was too blurry to know who it was so I waited until it focused properly. The person in the chair was a sleeping Sonic. I got up slowly but pain shot through my neck as I tried. I quietly hissed at it but soon I think someone noticed me.

"Hey, take it easy. It isn't good to move around with a wound on your neck" the voice sounded familiar, I looked up to see Sonic smiling at me as he helped me sit up. He was being very careful and propped the pillows up for me to lean on, except I wasn't allowed to lay normally I had to lay on my side since the wound is on the back of my neck. I wanted to thank Sonic but before I could say a word he placed a fine on my mouth. "Don't even try to speak either" Sonic said gently.

Two other people entered the room and were easily recognized as Emerald and Sky. "Hey, you're awake!" Emerald cheered and ran over to me with Sky following behind. "Um, duh! Why wouldn't I be sitting up?" I said and rolled my eyes at her. "Oh shut up" she did the same and Sky slightly chuckled quietly.

Sonic joined in and patted my head. I glared at him but didn't really mean to. I just hate it when people pat your head, it really does make me angry and insulted -judging by my height. "What? Is something wrong?" Sonic asked and looked as if he shot God. I shook my head, "Please don't pet my head, you're making me feel smaller" I said and received a laugh from all of them.

Suddenly the door busted down. "I heard (Y/N) was hurt, is she okay?!" Everyone came in and surrounded the bed. Sonic kept close to me and Emerald and Sky backed away so everyone could get closer. "Guys, I'm fine" I waved them off and smiled.

I looked over to Emerald and she stared back like she was deep in thought. Get up and face your back to me now. Emerald demanded in my mind and I did as she said. Everyone looked at me in confusion. "What are you doing, (Y/N)?" Amy asked me and I shrugged. Emerald stepped forward and felt my neck, I shivered at her touch. Her fingers were ice cold like -25°c or something, how is she living with that temperature? I guess its cold hands warm heart.

"Hmm..." Emerald was thinking really hard and everyone watched. "How did you know what to do for Electra?" Shadow asked and folded his arms. I didn't answer and waited for Emerald to be finished. The next thing she did was apply pressure to it and I squinted in pain, tightening my grip on the bed until my knuckles went white. Emerald stopped immediately after seeing my reaction. She sighed and walked away.

You can lie back down now
And with that said I did and there was no more pain in my neck. I sighed in relief and snuggled against the pillows in comfort. "Well whatever you did, Electra, she looks a lot better now" Knuckles said and left in room.

Everyone left the room since Tails had something to tell about the chaos emeralds, Emerald and Sky insisted to stay where I was to make sure I was okay. Sonic did too but I needed to ask Emerald something, so once again I turned him down and the same feeling came back again when I told him Lara was collecting me. Sky rubbed my shoulder in reassuring way and I smiled weakly at him. As soon as the door closed and the sound of footsteps faded away I asked them a question, "Who was your father?"

Emerald and Sky froze stiff like someone had just pulled out Medusa's head and they turned to stone. "Why?" Sky whispered and looked at me. I didn't hear him probably so I asked him to repeat. "Why?" Emerald spoke for him.
"Because I had another dream that this guy called Mephiles killed Lord Makato and his wife" I said slowly since I was unsure if it was a good idea to ask. They both sighed and Emerald answered, "You see, our father was Lord Makato. He was a kind, gentle and caring father who always knew what was right. He showed us many things and taught us many skills in everyday subjects that is very valuable to anyone. I was only 5 when me and Sky knew he wasn't himself. He kept quiet and always pushed us away, one time he called us 'annoying brats'. Since my mother was gifted in many ways we took after her, but we then discovered he wasn't our father...." Emerald began.

I sat up and got ready for the story they were going to tell me, this sounds terrible.

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