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I guess luck was on our side once again, Emerald healed in a day and everything was just like the old days. Or so I thought but of course there has to be him standing in the way.... Mephiles.

That name just wants me to barf, he deserves way more than death. And today, I've found him

Earlier that day...

The front door blasted open and a black and green robotic creatures entered with their blasters aimed at us. "You have chosen as a target by our boss to be elimated" it said with its monotone voice. "What?" Nickey said and everyone his in cover. "No way are we dying!" Sonic said and attempted to attack a robot but got hit aside. Everyone was terrified and calling out to the unconscious blue hedgehog. "Sonic!" I screamed and Sky held me back, "No, I've got to help him!".

"You'll get killed if you do!" Sky said and I kept struggling. "Well I'll still die if I don't!" I yelled and managed to zoom over to Sonic but a robot pinned me up against a wall. "(Y/N)!" Sky and Emerald yelled. As I was pinned another robot approached Sonic and took out his claws, ready to stab him.

"Stop it, stop it! Stop it, don't hurt him!" I yelled it, "I'm sorry!". It stopped and walked towards me, it's robotic green eyes staring at me with curiosity as it put its claws away. "Why do you say "sorry"?" It questioned, tilting its head at me as I was released. "I'm sitting here helpless while you're going to kill the man I love, I'm sorry for him because I cannot do anything to stop you" I said with tears falling down my cheeks as I slid down on my knees.

"You are one, we are many. Why should we listen to you?" It questioned with its emotionless voice. "Because..." I began and caught my breath, "Killing isn't the way to do anything"

As if my words were magic there dead green eyes lit up and they all looked at their surroundings. "Scanning, scanning" they said and soon faced us all, "Scan complete. We welcome you, family of the Lisaquadas (Liz-a-qwone-das). We are terribly sorry if we caused you trouble". Then they got down on one knee.

"Wait, our soldiers were still active?" Emerald said and slowly approached them. "Yes, we have been active for over 21,000 years" a robot replied, I guess this one is the leader since its the only one talking. "Wow" Sky said, "We made them pretty good, didn't we?"

"Yup, too bad we couldn't find them when dad or our toys away" Emerald shrugged and sighed. As everyone was calming down I had a brilliant idea, I walked over to the leader and whispered to it, "Find and kill Mephiles"

"Do you request us to kill him?" It said and looked over to me. I nodded, "Make sure he goes back to the hell he came from" I said and then went over to Sonic. They left without anyone noticing and told me they will return when the job is done.

Sonic was still unconscious so I layer his head on my lap and scratched behind his ear making him purr a little. ".....(Y/N)" he mumbled and soon opened his eyes slowly. I smiled, "Hey, how're you feeling?" I asked softly as I stroked his head. Sonic gave a weak smile and said sarcastically, "Wouldn't have felt any better with a fist to my skull"

I giggled and sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're still old sunshine and butterflies". Sonic and I laughed together and soon everyone came over. "Mister Sonic, you're awake!" Cream cheered and Cheese "chao"d in joy. "About time, Faker" Shadow said with his rues rolled and arms folded.

"Shadow, give him some credit! He did try to save us, ya know?" Emerald nudged him and he shook his head. "Okay fine" Shadow chuckled. Amy looked out the window and soon gasped at what she saw, "U-uh..."

"Amy, what is it?" Sky asked and went over to her side to only get in front of her protectively. "It's him!" Sky yelled and soon everyone was getting ready.
I thought he managed to escape the soldiers but he came crashing into the window, badly injured. "Ugh...." he groaned, "Filthy mortals.....".

I got up and stomped my foot on his back, hard. Mephiles coughed up a little blood and tried to get away but I only applied more pressure to my foot on his back. "Ugh... What type of mortal are you, imtimdating a demon?" Mephiles spat and tries to fight against me.

I never felt this much power before, is this another secret power? I laughed at him, "You're letting a mortal imtimdate you, what type of demon are you?" I said and actually felt a little proud that I was talking back and giving him burns. "You want a fight?" Mephiles said and teleported in front of me, "Those you ask, shall receive"

Mephiles charged at me and I easily punched him straight in the face. I felt so focused that Mephiles' face was soon becoming a hole. "Yes you're right. But just because you see flowers and sunshine, don't judge a book by its cover" I said and soon Mephiles fell flat on the ground. Nickey walked beside me and handed me some type of seal, "I found this quite a while back before any of this crap happened"

I nodded and Shadow stepped forward, "You don't know how to use it so I will". He snatched it from me and soon Mephiles was absorbed into it while screaming "Noooo!" like any villian would. Everything was calm once again, well except there was a giant hole that knocked down an entire wall of the cabin down. "Um... I'll get that fixed" Sky said and soon used his powers to fix the bricks and the wood.

"Looks like everything is settled, no more Mephie!" Rouge laughed and soon we all laughed.

Everything is perfect, that's what I thought....

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