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Rachel's P.O.V.
I saw him with the corner of my eye, hiding behind the door near the exit. His eyes were a terrifying red, his behaviour was no where near to what he's really like. I could sense two sides of him, one false the other true; is he fighting with a demon? I got up and chased him outside with everyone following me except Sonic and (Y/N), she was too weak so Sonic decided to stay behind.

"Huh?" I stopped in my tracks and everyone did the same, "Where did he go?". Luna scanned the area and told everyone to get down, when we did she blasted her gun at something and we heard a thud. We slowly poked our heads out one by one and saw what she shot. He looked like Sonic but more dirtier and.... bloodier.
His gloves were bloody as well and his claws were barely tearing the fabric.

"Who are you?!" Luna demanded and we heard a demonic laugh. "I...." It began and grabbed Amy by the throat, "Am.... God!!!". His eyes were horrible; red pupils, black irises with blood dripping out of them. His teeth yellow and sharp with blood splattered on them.

Before we could do anything, someone shot him; causing him to drop Amy. I checked if she was alright and gladly she was. I looked back to him and saw a giant...... ice spike? It stabbed the demon into a tree and slowly weakened him as he struggled to break free. "Sky!" Emerald said and we saw a hooded figure fall from the tree. Black cloak with a good to cover his face except he wore a blue scarf around his neck.

Amy let a tear drop down her cheek and ran towards him. He turned around and lifted her into a hug. Seems like it was Sky since Amy made him the scarf as a 'Get Well Soon' gift. It was brown, with white and cyan-blue tips.

Amy cried into his shoulder with joy and he kept hold of her. The demon laughed crazy, "Haha you think this is the end? Ready for... RoUNd 2?". Sky took out a red gem and threw it at the demon, causing it to scream in pain. He was performing an exorcist on the demon!

We watched the smoke that remained of the demon disappear. "Wait, hold up. That demon was pretending to be you?" Rouge said and Sky put Amy down. He nodded and everyone was confused except for Luna. "This is what I meant by following a powerful source, Lisaquadas don't have power that can be easily sensed. So therefore that answers your question" she said with no expression but I could tell she was a bit surprised herself. "But I would've known it was him just by looking, how did I get it wrong?" Emerald said and Luna looked back at the dust of the demon.

"He managed to poison all of your minds....." Sky mumbled and removed the ice spike from the tree. Surprisingly it didn't leave a mark on the bark, not even a dent! "So where were you the entire time then?" Shadow said, folding his arms with an unsatisfied look. Sky bit his lip slightly and I could tell he was nervous about telling them. "W-well, you see..." Sky said and then sighed, "I went back to the our seal and kind of explored a little? I came back though but found out that this idiot...". Sky glared at the dust pile and kicked it, "...thought he could get away with being an imposer"

Everyone stayed silent and then Emerald broke the silence. "Sky...." She whispered, "You idiot"
"Huh?" Sky said with a raised eyebrow. "You idiot!" Emerald screamed, "Why did you leave?! Why weren't you there!?".

Sky looked taken aback at his sister's outburst so I decided to step in. "Emerald calm down" I said with my hands on her shoulders, "You can scream all you want back at the cabin, right now we need to check up on (Y/N); she might need help" I said softly and soon Emerald began to cry into my shoulder. "What happened to her?" Sky asked with sorrow in his eyes but soon nearly shouted, "What happened to (Y/N)?".

Amy touched his arm and he looked at her, she took his hand and brought him over to the cabin with us behind them. Today has been too stressful for my liking, way too much drama! Maybe I could ask Luna if we could go on top of the tallest building and just star gaze like we did back home.

If only Luna didn't sign up for D.H.P, the Demon Hunter Professionals. She signed up since Eclipse had been imprisoned especially by Luna, herself, with the black gem. According to Luna the black gem holds 8 corrupted souls but its now 9 since Eclipse has been added on. I smiled to myself.

"Why are you smiling, this isn't something to be happy, ya know?" Luna said with her azure eyes staring into my soul and that made me show my teeth. "Well we've gotta go hopeful, right? Besides I was thinking about the good old days with Eclipse and how much of an ass she was" I giggled to myself and Luna rolled her eyes, she really doesn't like talking about Eclipse. "I don't give a dam about that bitch, her birth certificate was an apology from the condom factory" Luna spat out and we soon arrived back at the cabin.

(Y/N) layed on the couch asleep with Sonic tickling her head, making her purr. I could sense worry everywhere, even by looking at people's faces I could tell. Something about her gem..... Hmm why does that remind me of something? I shook it off, let's just focus on helping her.

"Sonic, we're back" Amy said making the hedgehog turn his head. His face didn't look happy as his eyes were misty and a little red. "We...." He began but soon buried his face into his hands. Emerald ran over to him and he hugged her tightly. I then realized why he was crying.

"We've lost her" he said but he was a little bit wrong.

"Sonic" I began, "I can still sense some of her life force"

{Think its over? Nope!}

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