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"Say what now, (Y/N)?" Sonic asked and both him and Knuckles had their eyebrows raised. I ignored them and focused on the voice. "So you did this, but why?" I said again looking down at the ground with a frown.

I've been released, I'm finally free and I had to recover my power that has been divided into 7. I think I forgot to introduce myself earlier but my name is Emerald and I've been watching you for a while, (Y/N).

"What do you want with me?" I asked and walked towards the desk to place my both of my hands on it. I knew you were different; you see, you're not really who you think you are. That was just a cover up to disguise yourself.

"Disguise myself from what or who?" I asked again. You don't remember, do you? You're my guardian, not Knuckles! But since people have been searching for myths and legends I had to erase your memory to protect you. You're the only one that can see what I can see.

Everything went black all of a sudden and I heard Sonic calling out my name. Did I faint? No I couldn't have, I can still see! Well all it really is a blank space with nothing else in it. As I was looking around a hooded figure approached me.

"Why hello there, (Y/N)" it said. It's voice sounded like a girl's and it was somehow familiar to me. Wait that's the voice inside my head!

"So you're the creep inside my head?" I said instead of greeting them, "Well you sure do look like one"
"Tut tut, where are your manners? Oh wait, no one actually said anything of behaving!" She said and waved her tail behind her back, it was light coffee brown with a white tip. So she is a cat?

"I wish I could show you who I was, (Y/N), but time is running short" she said and approached me, "Wake up~"
As soon as those words were said I woke up gasping for air. "(Y/N), you're awake!" Sonic said and gave me a hug. I hugged back and we both pulled away; Where am I? I looked at my surroundings, seems like I'm in a white room in a bed with machines and wires connected to me, and the gang l. "Thank goodness she's awake!" Tails said with a smile and went over to his machine to unplug the wires from my head. "H-how long was I out?" I asked, still a bit sleepy for no reason. "It's only been 30 minutes" Knuckles said and with that I bolted up from the bed.

Take it easy, (Y/N)
'You're-you're still there?!' I thought I my mind and began breathing heavily.
I know this is hard for you to process but right now focus on your friends. You don't want to make them worry again, do you?

She was right and soon I slowed down my breathing and became neutral once again. "Are you sure you're okay?" Sonic asked with worry in his eyes. I smiled and placed my hand on top of his to reassure him, "I'm more than okay"

Sonic sighed in relief and Tails checked his machines for something, I don't really know what it was he was looking for. "Okay so while you were asleep, (Y/N), Sonic and Knuckles told me that you were whispering to yourself. I took the time to see why and I found a couple of things I think you may want to explain to us" Tails said as he turned on a TV and we all watched it.

On the screen there was the hooded girl again, I couldn't clearly see her face buy you could see her smile. "I know all of you are watching me" she said with a grin of victory. Everyone gasped but me, "So you're name is Emerald, if I am correct?"
She nodded, "Emerald is my name, I see you are recovered from our last meeting, (Y/N)"

Everyone was shocked at how we were talking to each other so normal without me being shocked. I sighed and raised a hand, "Guys, this is Emerald, she's the voice that was inside my head since yesterday"

"Wait let me get this straight, she was inside your head?" I was surprised that Shadow asked that, normally you would think that he wasn't interested in anything, "I would like to see proof first before I believe you" Shadow folded his arms and glared.

I looked over at Emerald and it looks like she was thinking of something. Suddenly a beam of green light came out of the TV and right at me, I lost control of my body! Seems like Emerald was controlling me.

"Shadow the hedgehog, made by Doctor Gerald Robotnick 50 years ago in 1965 (2015 - 50= 1965), ARK. He was close to Maria Robotnick, Gerald's granddaughter, but she died from a gunshot close to the heart but managed to free him by using a escape pod" I said that so fast that my jaw hurt a lot. I felt Emerald leave me and go back into the TV, I grabbed my head and held it in one of my hands.

"(Y/N), everything okay?" Sonic asked again. I tried to reply but Emerald did that for me, "Her pulse is normal, nothing is wrong with her; She's just in shock, Sonic"
"How do you know my name?" Sonic asked and tried to protect me from her since all of them saw her as a threat.

Emerald clicked her fingers and a drained chaos emerald appeared in front of them. Another figure appeared on the screen and wore some type of ebony-saphire armor. There's two of them?! "See I told you, dear brother, this is (Y/N). She's the one" Emerald talked to the knight and the knight nodded, "He doesn't talk much. Anyway, (Y/N); this is my brother, Sky"

I waved like an idiot to Sky and he nodded at me as if he were waving back. "We'll be taking our leave now" Emerald said as she returned back inside my mind and dropped the drained chaos emerald on the ground.

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