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"Alrighty then" I said as I closed the door and clapped my hands together, "Time to change the rules!"
"Why does the rules change every time?" Emerald whined like a little kid but her voice sounded more mature. To be honest Emerald wasn't acting like her normal childish self, she looked more serious than childish.

"Well first rule, you can't wear those anymore" I pointed at their outfits and they both looked uncomfortable. "You expect us to die when we get attacked?" Emerald asked and looked at me like I was a maniac. "There isn't a war in this century" I explained and they both relaxed a bit.

"Fine" Emerald gave in and they both changed into regular clothes. Emerald wore a green tank top with a light green belt, black tracksuit bottoms, green and white runners, and a black necklace with a green gem. She had light coffee brown fur with darker hair that went down to her waist, green eyes and snow white muzzle. She was beautiful but I can sort of understand why she hides it, too much attention drawn to her.

Sky was the same as well, except he wasn't a girl; he was pretty handsome and a well built body, maybe he works out really hard? He wore a light denim jacket with ripped sleeves, gloves, white and blue runners, and a black bracelet with a blue gem on it. He had icey blue eyes that stared into your soul, tan muzzle, and light coffee fur as well. His quills were all messed up so some pointed down the rest pointed up.

I only noticed that if Emerald and Sky are siblings then went is Sky a hedgehog and Emerald a cat? Emerald saw my confusion and explained, "I took after our mother while he took after our father"

"Oh okay, um, that makes sense" I said and thought of another rule. The others already know their names so we need to change that too. "You also need fake names since the others already know who you are" I sighed and all of us thought again.

"..... How about Electra and Zayn?" Me and Emerald both looked over to Sky who mumbled quietly. I gave Emerald a "Did-he-just-talk?" look and she nodded with the same face. "Um, s-sounds good to me" I replied and went to grab a blanket.

"You guys can sleep in my room and I'll sleep on the couch tonight, but tomorrow I'm sleeping in my room" I said with a waving finger. Emerald sighed, "Yeah whatever, c'mon Sky. Goodnight (Y/N)"

They closed the door and I hoped onto the couch, man I'm exhausted. But at the same time I was worried; What if everyone else finds out? What would Sonic think of me then? Wait why am I so concerned about him? Then again, why do I feel so lonely without him?

I remember Emerald's words from this day before, I think she said "Young love"? I shook my head and lay down on the couch, I should get to sleep I can worry about this later. As soon as my eyelids closed I saw a field.

It was beautiful, everywhere I looked nature's beauty captured my sight. The grass swayed gracefully like a couple dancing, the trees were allowing sun rays to peek through their leaves, the birds were singing beautifully; Everything was perfect.
Until I walked further on, the wind got suddenly strong making the grass and trees shake violently. The birds were nowhere to be heard, and the sun wasn't shining it's rays anymore. Smoke was seen behind some trees and battle cries were heard in the distance. I shuddered to think what was going on but kept going anyway.

Before my eyes stood Emerald and Sky fending for their lives against a tribe of echidnas. Their leader swung his fist at Sky and knocked him back. "Father, you're hurting them, please stop!" a young echidna girl ran in front of the leader and prevented him from bringing any harm to them whatsoever.

The girl was a pale orange with sapphire eyes, tan muzzle, and was wearing tribal jewelry and clothing with different patterns. "Tikal, step aside" the leader commanded her but she didn't move an inch. "No, father. You promised me you wouldn't hurt then!" She kept standing in his way.

"Child, I appreciate your bravery and protection but you can't always save us" Emerald said in a harsh tone and turned around, "Our father turned us into monsters for a reason so please, I don't want you to get hurt for our sake" she whispered the last part and helped her brother up.

"B-but I can't just let you die!" Tikal protested and Emerald quickly responded, "Tikal, you need to know the differences between sacrifices and loss"

"I know what sacrifices are" Tikal argued. Emerald went over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "No you don't, you know what loss is. Sacrifice is a choice you made, loss is a choice made for you"
"But I can't choose to let you die" Tikal was crying now, "You were my only friends that understood me, I can't lose you!"

I ran over to them to get a closer look but an elder echidna approached and stopped beside me. I hoped no one could see me so I watched the events. "I sense a soul nearby" he spoke and everyone looked at him, "A powerful soul that is lost and confused"

"Emerald!" I shouted as a soldier appeared behind her and slashed his sword down at her. Tikal saw and pushed her out of the way making herself get in the blade's way. Tikal froze as her colorful clothes got drenched in a red liquid coming out of her shoulder.

I covered my mouth and tried to hold back tears as I watched in horror as Tikal feel lifelessly to the ground. The leader looked in horror as well at Tikal, ".... Who did this?"

He was upset and mad, "Who did this!?" He was note screaming at the tribe.

"... You did" Emerald replied, "Because your guilt was too much to handle"

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