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I patted her back and she pulled away from our hug. I smiled at her and she smiled back, "I'm glad to have you as a sister, (Y/N)" Emerald said and we walked out with everyone else. Sonic walked beside me with Emerald on the other side. "So how's everyone?" Sonic said to brighten the mood a bit. "Everything is good except now after the picnic I've got to clean up the mess" I said as I glared at Shadow and Emerald. Of course Shadow couldn't see it since he wasn't facing me and Emerald's ears flattened down as if it were a "I'm sorry" gesture. "How about yourself, Sonic?" I asked and stopped glaring at the two. Sonic chuckled and then turned serious, "Well we caught your friend talking to Egghead, something about capturing someone or something". My eyes widened, "No way, but I thought she worked for someone else!". The feeling of being shocked took control of me, so many questions filled my mind; Like who or what was Lara going to capture, what if it's the chaos emeralds or one of us? What if it's me she captures?

Sonic must have noticed the confusion and shock on my face because he whispered, "If it is you they are after, they won't get the chance to even set a foot near you, I won't let them take you away". I smiled at his words and calmed down, he really knows how to make me smile but..... why are my cheeks burning? I felt my cheek with my hand to feel the heat off of them, am I blushing? Sonic smiled and we continued walking; when we got outside everyone was there: Amy, Rouge, Cream, Cheese, Shadow (who already went ahead of us and waited outside). I sighed, this is going to be a chilled day for once! No more worrying or working, just chilling with friends. As we walked towards the park I noticed Sky opening up to Amy slowly, I knew he wasn't sure whether to trust her or not so I can't blame him; But it's kind of cute to watch them. "So, what do you do for fun, Zayn?" Amy asked as she swung her arms back and forth. Sky scratched the back of his head sheepishly and thought for a while. "..... Well I like to listen to music a-and climb trees?" Sky stuttered cutely and I could definitely tell he was a little afraid of what she was going to say that. Amy sighed as if she were day dreaming and smiled at him, "That sounds fun, maybe we can go and find a tree together sometime?"

Sky nodded, "Y-yeah... maybe". I giggled quietly and Sonic also joined in. "They sound so cute" I whispered to Sonic and he kind of laughed out loud by accident, "Shush, Sonic!". Sonic tried to stop but his little giggles kept escaping his mouth and that made him laugh even more. I soon tried to stop laughing as well but we both failed and soon we were there holding our stomachs, trying to catch our breaths. "What... were we..... laughing at?" I said between pants and Sonic shook his head. "I... I don't know" Sonic said and then laughed again, "I can't even remember!". We laughed again and soon everyone was giving giving us weird looks. "Are you two okay?" Tails asked and smiled a very unsure smile at us. I wiped a tear away and nodded, "Y-yeah, we're... we're good now". Me and Sonic smiled like big goofballs and we soon reached a nearby park with a forest nearby. "Alright, me and Amy made lunch for you all. Who wants a cinnamon muffin?" Rouge said and raised one of the muffins up in the air.

Knuckles snatched it out of her hands and immediately took a bite of it. Rouge frowned and then whined, "Hey, I was going to eat that!","Oh I'm sorry, didn't you say before when you tried to steal the Master Emerald from me: finders keepers?" Knuckles smirked and finished the muffin. I sighed and took one from the basket as Rouge chased after Knuckles. I sat next to Sonic on the blanket and looked around at everyone; Emerald and Shadow were talking near the pond -although I could tell that Shadow was teasing her because Emerald didn't look happy, Sky was helping Amy to try and climb an oak tree, Rouge was still chasing Knuckles around the park; And me, Sonic and Cream were sitting at the picnic blanket and eating our muffins. Well today is great and I'm not being sarcastic this time it really is a great day. I managed to find out more about Sonic and his adventures, who would've known that he actually saved a different planet from a gang called the Deadly Six? I was lost in my thoughts when I notice something in the distance.

"Hey, Sonic?" I asked, making him look up from his muffin, "Let's go over there!". I pointed to a small deserted playground that was past the oak tree Sky and Amy were climbing. Sonic looked over and smiled, "Race ya!" He yelled and for up. "But that's not fair, you're faster than me!" I whined.

You've got to give it a short though, (Y/N)" he encouraged me and soon we both got ready to run. Sonic ran so fast her turned into a blur and me, I actually don't know what happened. First I watched him take off now I'm over at the playground waiting for Sonic. "What the hell?" I questioned and looked around, "H-How did I?"
Sonic looked shocked just like me, "You beat me, how?"

"I-I don't know really!" I said and saw a gem glowing around my arm. It looked just like Emerald's and Sky's except it was (f/c) and it tested around my arm. "Hey that looks just like Electra's necklace and Zayn's bracelet" Sonic said and tilted his head at it.

Am I one of my siblings now?

..::Hopeful::..  Sonic x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now