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"And they just ignore all of us" Knuckles said and walked out of the room with the chaos emerald in his hand. Sonic helped me up and put my atm around his shoulder for support. "Sonic I'm fine" I said but I didn't want to bother him because of... you know, me?

Sonic shook his head at me, "Look, (Y/N), that isn't going to stop me from helping you. I know that right now you need all the help you can get and also protection since those two freaks might be coming after you some day. So you can stop trying to convince me otherwise" Sonic said and focused on looking ahead.

I blushed and looked away from him, does he really care about me that much? I smiled a small smile to myself, he's just like a brother to me.

After a hour of recovering from the shock I went back home. Sonic said he would drop me home but Amy refused to let him out. "She needs my help, Amy!" Sonic said and tried to get past her. "Well so do we!" Amy shot back.

I decided to break them up from their fighting, "Guys, fighting isn't going to solve anything. Sonic, I've already sent a text to Remix and she's coming to get me. I'll be fine" I reassured and Amy smiled at me for once. Sonic kept his mouth open a bit but closed it soon. "O-oh o-okay" he said sadly, "Bye, (Y/N)"

And with that he left the room with Amy. I felt a pain shoot through my chest and I felt lonely and sad. You do know he cares for you?

I nodded and looked out the window, waiting for Remix to arrive. You're going to have to tell him sometime, I know you feel the same for him.

I nodded again and stared at the bottom of the window, staring at the wood below under the glass. How about leave him a note?

I got a piece of paper from my bag and my pen, I began writing him a note and left it by Sonic's room -well I think that's his room. When I walked back to the front door, I realized how no one noticed me; I feel so lonely again. Hey it's okay, you have him the note. Everything is alright, don't look so sad!

Emerald is really nice, how can the others see her as a threat? Well she did steal the chaos emeralds and drained their power, I'm not sure if she took the Master Emerald as well. Wait, Master Emerald, chaos Emeralds. Everything was coming to together piece by piece.

I remember her clearly now! She is the daughter of the ancient king, Lord Makato. But she and her bother disappeared and were never found for centuries! How are they still alive?

Beep, beep!
Lara was outside in her black jeep, honking her horn to get my attention. I jumped up and opened the door, before I left I turned around and said "Goodbye everyone!"
I didn't expect a reply but someone hugged me from behind. I turned my head and saw Sonic hugging me. "Be careful, (Y/N), please" he whispered and looked up at me.

I smiled at him and.... stroked his cheek?! Why the hell would I do that!? "You too, Sonic" I said and left. I walked towards Lara and opened the door beside her. I waved to everyone and Lara drove off. "So have fun?" Lara asked, keeping her eyes on the road. "Yeah, it was fun..." I said with a yawn.

All of this drama has made me tired already, damn you drama! "Haha, so it was fun?" Lara asked with a laugh. I rolled my eyes at her and she giggled slightly. Suddenly Lara stopped the car abruptly and exited the car, since the car headlights are still on I could see two figures standing in front of it.

"What the....?" I whispered to myself and got out the car as well. It seemed like Lara was arguing with the two figures, this can't be good. "I told you two to get lost, why are you still following me?" Lara asked with a annoyed tone. I studied the two figures; One was a hooded figure, you could only see its muzzle and tail without cloth covering it, the other wore ebony armor and had blue gems on as well. Wait these were... Them!? It was Emerald and her brother, Sky? I thought they were just in my head!

"What do you mean following you? We were already here!" Emerald said and folded her arms, making Lara tighten her knuckles in anger. "We what's going on?" I asked as I went over to them. Emerald seemed surprised to see me, Sky remained emotionless; Guess he really doesn't talk then. Lara looked over to me and sighed, "Before I came to collect you, these two bozos kept following me"

As she said that she gave them each a glare, Emerald shrugged it off and Sky wasn't even affected by it. "Okay well we best get going now, do you have a place to stay?" I asked just to change the subject so there can be no more lighting going between my friend and Emerald's heads.

Emerald shook her head, "We don't as a matter of fact". Lara sighed since she knew what I was going to do, I gave her a apologetic look and then continued, "You can stay at my apartment then. I know it won't be much but its better to have a roof over your head" I said and beckoned them to follow me to the jeep. "They're sitting in the back and not talking, that's finale" Lara said like a soldier would and sat in the driver's seat to start the jeep again.

After a quiet drive back home we finally arrived at my apartment. "(Y/N), are you sure about this?" Lara asked as Emerald and her brother were already inside. I nodded, "I'm sure, besides I know who to call if they do get out of hand!"

"Well goodnight!" Lara said and walked over to her apartment instead of mine. "You not going to stay over?" I asked. "Sorry but work calls me to complete it, I'll call up for you tomorrow morning if you're still alive from those two" Lara laughed.

This was going to be just great, notice the sarcasm there.

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