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A loud sound was heard from outside and it sounded like a gunshot. Everyone in the house was frightened and confused, where did the noise come from? And why a gunshot? I ran out with Sonic and the gang to see a thunderstorm forming in the sky and everything went dark.

"We're running out of time, (Y/N)" Sky said while still staring at the clouds, "She's turning into one soon we need to hurry". I ran back inside and grabbed the gem; When I returned maniac laughs were heard echoing. "(Y/N)!" A voice shouted and I saw Nickey stumbling over to me as she ran. She had her mask off and her face had dirt and blood. "Oh god, Nickey, what happened?" I said as I kneeled down beside the scared hedgehog. She shivered, "...Em-Emerald, she m-made me k-kill... It was s-so awful a-and then s-she....". Nickey was acting like someone tried to rape her or something, she was scared out of her mind.

"(Y)-(Y/N), she's.... she's made a-an army" Nickey said and soon cried into my chest as I patted her head. "There, there. We're going to stop her, okay? Right now let's get you cleaned and rested" I said and she nodded at me, "T-Thank you, (Y/N).."
Amy stepped over to us and smiled, "I'll take her in and help her out, you just stop Emerald once and for all".

I nodded, okay time to bring the real sister back.... But where did Sky go? He was here a minute ago, where could he have run off to? "Sky's gone!" I said and everyone looked around the area yelling his name. While I was looking in a bush I fell down and these images flashed in my mind. First it was the color red spilled on the floor, then screams in the dark; What is the meaning of this?

I got up and held my head in my hand as I struggled to walk straight. I managed to rest on a tree stump to make my vision focus. "Why hello there..." A voice said and I looked up only to be knocked out, "..... Dear sister". It felt like those words were spat out at me like a snake spraying its vemon into its prey.

Images of broken glass being placed back together to form one appeared and I could see myself, except my entire body and face had blood splats all over it. I didn't seem to be bothered about it I kept a straight face and walked towards a door where another image appeared.
"Stop it, stop it! Stop it, don't hurt him!" I yelled at the scary figure, "I'm sorry!". It stopped and walked towards me, it's robotic green eyes staring at me with curiosity as it put its claws away.

"You are one, we are many. Why should we listen to you?" It questioned with its emotionless voice. "Because..." I began and managed to catch my breath, "Killing isn't the way to do anything".

I woke gasping for air. My wrists and ankles were tied up and my vision was still blurry followed by a headache. "Ugh..." I groaned and din my vision cleared up and I saw Sky opposite me with chains around his wrists and ankles too. "Sky!" I called out and he soon woke up slowly. "(Y)-(Y/N)?" He said and looked around, "What's going on, where are we?".

"I don't know.." I said and soon a door opened. "Ah well, if it isn't (Y/N) and Sky. How are you all?" A voice said. I looked over to the door to see Emerald without her mask. Since she was smiling you could see her sharp teeth. For some reason I had a feeling this wasn't Emerald but an imposter, but why would she let me go easily the first time I saw her? "It's been so long, hasn't it?" She said casually which made Sky growl.

I realized I still had the her necklace in my pocket but I can't let her see it, she might destroy it or who knows what else! "So I hope you enjoy you're new homes! I've got stuff to do so I don't have time to talk, ciao!" She said and waved her hand as the door closed. When she left I managed to get my hands and feet free and I ran over to Sky to free him. As he felt his wrists, Sky noticed the necklace in my pocket, "It's a good thing you brought it with you, let's go stop her".

I grabbed his hand before he could reach the door, "Sky wait! I have a feeling that's not Emerald, maybe she's trapped somewhere here as well like us!". When I said that we heard a cough and turned around to see a figure chained up. "You *cough* got that *cough* right" they struggled to talk as they started to have a coughing fit.

"Emerald!" Me and Sky ran over to her to see her all beaten up. She had brusises all over her as well as cuts that looked like a bear attacked her. Her hair was tangled and messy while her face was covered with dirt and her mouth had blood dripping out of her. I could see she still didn't have her necklace on which made her feel weaker and weaker.

"Here" I said and put the necklace around her neck. Since it was brand new she regained some strength within seconds and Sky got her out of her chains. "So if you're here then who was that?" Sky asked as Emerald used him for support. ".... Mephiles managed to attack me and used my shadow to create another version of me. I went to get Nickey's help but Mephiles locked me up here and now Nickey thinks I'm a monster because of him" Emerald managed to say before coughing again.

"Hey take it easy, were going to get you out if here" I said and Emerald placed a hand on my shoulder. "We need to get rid of him because he has new targets...." Emerald began and breathed out, "It's Sonic and Shadow that are next"

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