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My vision faded as my body tried to rest up, everyone agreed that today was too much and I didn't realize how tired I was. Me and Sonic slept together as usual but I wasn't sleeping well again; I kept worrying about everyone and everything all over again. Why does this keep happening? When Emerald and Sky are reunited there is always diverging that splits us up every time!

I sighed deeply and Sonic rolled over so he was facing me. "You still awake?" He whispered and I nodded. Sonic sighed and brought my face closer to his, "You need to stop worrying, (Y/N). For now that is, it's been a rough week for us all; Try to get some sleep, okay?" With a peck on the forehead, I snuggled closer to Sonic and soon my eyelids closed. Sonic wrapped his arms around me and soon we were both sound asleep.

Well, Sonic was; I tried to sleep but I couldn't, even though my eyelids were closed. A voice kept repeating over and over again, what the hell?

(Y/N).... I know you can hear me....

That voice! I straight away knew who it was.
'Emerald, you're alive!'
Who said I was dead?
'Well, I...I just assumed since no one told me where you went off to'
I could hear her giggle a little bit that soon faded.

(Y/N), I know what you're thinking. You want me to come back, don't you?

I didn't respond, she already knew why I was glad but instead of answering her question, I asked a different question.

'Why do you sound..... different?'
Silence, that's all I heard so far into about 5 minutes passes and she answered.

(Y/N), I wish I could be reunited with you and everyone as well; but that's no longer possible for me.

I could feel tears beginning to form in my closed eyes, 'Why? What happened?'

Since you used your negative energy, I've now become a monster. Please, (Y/N), don't try to free me. I'm not the same anymore.

Before she left I cried out: 'But you're my sister, I can't just leave you! There's got to be another way!'. I heard her sigh and I bit my lip waiting for her answer.

Starry night,
Moon shines bright.
Look deep in your heart
And you'll know what's right.

With that said she left me in silence. I woke up in a panick because I thought that was just a nightmare but no, I was still with the sleeping Sonic. I sighed quietly; where are you, Emerald? I decided to stare at the ceiling for my own boredom since there was nothing else to stare at but the ceiling and Sonic. As I was staring at the ceiling I could suddenly see a forest. But it wasn't any ordinary forest. Halfway up the leaves of the trees they were glowing an unnatural green color. It was a really bright neon green with glowing green mist surrounding it.

I frowned and walked towards the forest, 'Where the hell am I?'. I looked around frantically and soon stopped when I saw what was in front of me. 'Is that....?' I said to myself but trailed off. The figure in front of me looked familiar but they had their back to me so I couldn't properly identify them.

I could definitely tell it was a cat due to the tail with a white tip. "Emerald!" I called out and ran over to where they stood, "You're okay!". I heard a grunt and they soon turned around.
"I think you've mistaken me for someone else" they began as soon as my eyes were met with amber catlike eyes, "sister...."

I backed away from them with my hands on my chest. "W-who are you?" I asked trying to sound confident but my stuttering didn't help at all. The figure laughed a husky laugh and took a step forward. 'Who does he think he is?' I angrily hissed in my head. "My, my, my" he stopped walking towards me and looked back up, "You've grown, haven't you? Last time I saw you, you were only as big as 16 books".

I frowned and glared at him. "Alright, I'll answer your question since you don't remember me" they sighed and the amber eyes sparkled, "The name is Solar, sis', and I'm here to take Emerald's place".

I woke up again in a fright, alerting Sonic who was already awake. "(Y/N), it's okay, it's okay...." Sonic said softly while he held me as I cried into his shoulder. So Emerald is really dead? No this can't be happening! And who was that? Replacing her?!

Sonic could sense I was really confused and frustrated. "What's wrong, (Y/N)? What did you see?" He asked softly again and stared deep in my eyes. I calmed my racing heart and slowed my breathing while blinking away my remaining tears.

Instead of telling him what I saw, I repeated Emerald's last words.

"Starry night,
Moon shines bright.
Look deep into your heart
And you'll know what's right" as I was saying this I took a hold of Sonic's hand and started to move my finger around his palm to form a diamond shape. I was shocked but didn't show it and Sonic looked confused.

"I saw her again, Sonic, and I don't know what to do" I began, "I just want my sister back, is that too much to ask for?"

Sonic patted my shoulder and sighed, "Emerald just wanted you to be free, (Y/N). I know how you feel but sometimes you've got to accept it. Besides, we'll find a way".

With a pat on the shoulder for reassurance, we fell asleep once again.

Emerald, please come back.......

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