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That night was still a nightmare for me, seeing my brother nearly die in front of me. I wish I could've erased that memory but it clung to my brain like a hook. The only good thing that happened was that Sky didn't die at all, we managed to save him. But many questions were in my head still.

Why was Sky outside in the rain? Who was that other figure? Why did they shoot Sky? Whoever they are, I will find them and give them what they deserved. I realized the more I think about that figure, the more angerier I got. I wanted to know who did this to Sky and I wanted answers as well.

'Forget for now, let's just go and check up on him' I decided and climbed out of bed. It was surprising to see Sonic not in bed, he's probably downstairs already. Maybe he left me to sleep because of last night? I smiled at the thought and got changed out of my other clothes to slip into warmer ones. Today was cold now, I guess winter is coming soon (Any Game of Thrones fans?)

When I exited the room, it was very quiet; All I could hear was the clock on the wall ticking away, making sure it wasn't dead silence. I sighed and walked into the kitchen to see a note on the fridge:

Hey (n/n)!
Me and the gang all went out to get more food and medical supplies for Sky. Sorry I didn't wake you sooner, you just looked so cute and at peace while you were sleeping.

Lots of love,

I smiled. "Oh Sonic, you're so cheesy sometimes" I said while shaking my head and crumbling the note to throw in the bin. I looked down the corridor and saw Sky's door still open with the lights on. "Maybe I should go see him?" I asked myself and then sighed, "Now I'm talking to myself, great"

As I walked over to the room I noticed how different the cabin looked, it is morning right? The entire place felt a lot darker than usual, even with the lights on it still felt and was even seen as too dark. 'What's going on' I thought as I peeked inside the room Sky was in.

As soon as I did me head shot out of the room quickly, my breathing quicken and my heart was going super sonic boom speed (Haha, get it?). What the hell did I just see? I quietly looked back inside and saw Sky sitting up like a rag doll with black irises and his icey blue pupils glowing. He had a maniac grin showing fangs and his head twitched slightly every five seconds.

I covered my mouth with my hand and backed away from the door, oh god what do I do? "H-hello-o, (Y)-(Y/N)...." Sky voice echoed and soon when I turned around, Sky charges at me and everything went black.

I woke up with a shock, sweat still on my forehead. My body was still shaking for fear as I tried to calm my heart down to its original beating. I ran my hands up my face. "It was only a dream, (Y/N), only a dream" I repeated at least 7 times while I slowed down my breathing.

I got up and slipped on a dressing gown instead of getting changed, hope Sonic doesn't mind if I borrowed his. I looked at the mirror and saw my skin was a little bit paler than usual (if you already pale, just imagine your face is a little puffy if you want) maybe because of the nightmare?

I shook my head and took deep breaths as I exited the room and went downstairs. Everything was normal and bright, it wasn't quiet since I could hear people murmuring and all that, so I guess that's a 1-up!

I sighed in relief and went into the living room. "Morning" I yawned and everyone looked towards me. "Morning" they all said but soon frowned in confusion. "You alright, (Y/N)?" Knuckles asked. "You're looking a little (pale/puffy)" Amy said. I nodded and shrugged it off, "Y-yeah, it was just a hard night last night".

"Oh yeah, Miss Nickey told us everything that happened, we're all so sorry about Mister Sky" Cream apologized and hugged me around my legs. I crouched down to her level and gave her a proper hug, "You don't need to apologize, Cream, accidents happen".

"Our brother nearly gets himself killed, and you're saying it was an accident?" I looked and saw Emerald with tears in her eyes, angry look and clenched fists. "Emerald...." I began but Emerald cut me off. "No, (Y/N), don't even. Just leave me" Emerald began as she walked back up the stairs to her, "Maybe this fight was an accident to you..." I heard her mumble an insult.

This pulled at my heart strings, what else was I meant to say? It was done on purpose? But then again Sky is pur brother so why would I say something like that? I kept staring at the stairs and eventually looked down at my feet. "What have I done?" I said to myself and felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up to see Sonic with a reassuring smile. "I'll go talk to Emerald for you, alright? It's not your fault so don't beat yourself up about it, okay?" Sonic patted my shoulder and went upstairs to Emerald's, he really does too much for me sometimes.

Shadow walked over to me and we both stared at the stairs, none of us breaking the silence between us. "You know.... Emerald isn't mad at you" Shadow began and looked over at me. I looked back at him, "What makes you say that?"

"Well take as this, if you insult someone that is injured people tend to get defensive about them" Shadow explained but I looked back down at my feet. "So I did insult him.." I said but Shadow nudged me. "No you didn't, Emerald just took it that way by accident" he said and with that he left me by the stairs.

"Emerald...." I whispered as I waited for Sonic and her to come downstairs.

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