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Emerald and Sky looked down at the floor, maybe I shouldn't have asked them because now I feel awful. "I tried to confront him but I.... I couldn't stop him f-from what he was about to do to mother" A tear dropped down Emerald's cheek and Sky stayed still. "Our mother died from a stab wound close to the her long. I thought she was fine since she still had the strength to put me down but she fell down and layed there, coughing. After that me and my brother got trapped by him, we stayed trapped for 14 years but our age never changed any higher than 17; it just stopped and we stayed the same age forever, there was no wrinkles no fragile bones and no grey hair. It was like we could stay young forever" I continued to listen but then I didn't want them to feel like I'm torturing them to tell me.

"I-I think that's enough, I don't want you to force yourselves to tell me" I waved it off and got up from the bed. Sky hugged me from the side and it seemed he wasn't thinking about letting go of me. I patted his arm and Emerald joined in. "But you, (Y/N)...." Emerald sighed, "You're like family to us. You never gave up on us when we ignored you, you kept trying and that's something we love about you"

I swear I could've almost cried, my mother and father weren't really around at home so I never understood the feeling of having a proper family as well as feeling loved. When I became a journalist my parents passed away so suddenly and I didn't get to see them since I never heard they were gone. I now have a family, finally!

After the hug we walked out and by accident interrupted Tails when we entered the room. "Oh uh, sorry Tails, keep going" I apologized sheepishly and walked towards them quickly with Emerald and Sky close behind. Tails waited for us then continued, "So apparently the souls became angry with the world and they wanted to get revenge, so they created a demon who would do that in their place" Tails explained and showed some pictures of an old painting on a projector, "They say that if the souls are released water will turn into blood and an eclipse will stay forever until they are sealed again"

"False" Sky said but he said it much louder than what he normally would and that took everyone by surprise. "W-what do you mean false? I-it says s-so in the script" Tails blinked at them in confusion. "..Their wrong" Sky said and looked at the scripts. Emerald joined in and examined them.

"These are fake" she said and handed it back to Tails who looked back at the scripts with a frown. "B-but..." Tails was still confused. "Knuckles" Emerald spoke and got the echidna attention, "You said the Master Emerald disappeared two days ago?"

"Yes it did, why?" He asked.
".... If the scripts say that the souls would destroy anything when released" Sky started
"Then why is everything peaceful still?" Emerald finished and titled her head with raised eyebrows. Tails looked like he finally realized their point and jumped up, "That actually make sense now! Either these scripts are fake or just had a wrong prediction because maybe the souls were friendly and someone whated to lock them up!" Tails went straight to his computer to scan the scripts to see if they were fake. I could see in the corner of my eye that Emerald and Sky were smiling, I guess they really wanted to prove that script wrong in a long time. "Emerald!" I called over but soon realized that I used the wrong name and covered my mouth. "Emerald?" Everyone turned towards me with a frown.

"Emerald?" Shadow stepped towards me and Sonic turned to protect me from him. Shadow pushed him to the side and lifted me up by my neck, I squinted and whimpered in fear. "It's that sassy bitch inside your head, isn't it (Y/N)?" I didn't answer, I just wanted to get down.

"Shadow, put her down now!" Sonic commanded but only got a growl from Shadow. "You don't tell me what to do, Faker!" Shadow hissed. Amy walked up to him with Rouge, "Please put her down, Shadow!"

They tried to pry him off put it made his grip on my neck tighten to where I started to cough for air. I had my eyes closed so I didn't know what happened next, all I could gather is seeing Emerald shoot a green laser at Shadow and Sky caught me when Shadow dropped me. "What-what did you do to Shadow!?" Rouge demanded. I felt Sky passing me to someone else and soon I was in someone else's arms, they were warm and welcoming, they made me feel safe.

"I didn't harm him, he's just asleep" she replied. I opened my eyes and saw green eyes looking back at me, Sonic was holding me carefully so he wouldn't drop me. "Hey, sleeping beauty" he whispered as everyone talked to Emerald and Sky about what just happened. "Hey" I said and tried to breathe again which was a lot easier now. "How you feeling?" He asked and put me down but kept a arm around my waist for support. "Well I'm able to breathe so I guess that's good" I replied and nearly fell.

"Oh my gosh, (Y/N), are you okay?" Amy rushed over and I nodded at her, "Well if you need anything then just call me, okay?"

I looked at Sonic in confusion and he had the same face, "Did she change or I am just imagining her being nice?" I asked and Sonic chuckled. "I guess she really is liking someone for her to change like that" Sonic suggested but looked really relieved that she wasn't chasing him anymore.

"So why was Shadow really mad at me?" I asked and got a shrug as an answer. "I don't know to be honest" Sonic said, "I don't know"

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