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The night was still and quiet, the only sound heard was the trees swaying outside and the sounds of rain hitting the glass against the windows. Just a typical rainy night as anyone would call it. I sighed and got out of bed, leaving Sonic to sleep alone. I couldn't sleep, I just didn't feel up to it at all no matter how hard I tried. I even tried blinking very fast but that didn't work!

Maybe the rain will? I managed to sneak downstairs -avoiding any squeaky steps- and grabbed my coat to go outside. Due to the rain the mud was slippery so I walked slower, making myself get wetter and wetter. I folded my arms to keep warm but the cold managed to creep in. I sighed again and put my hood up -even though it was too late since my (hair/quills) were soaking. I decided to go under a nearby tree and sit down on a rock since the rain drops became even more heavier than usual. As I closed my eyes they opened wide as I heard a loud bang nearby. I got up and looked around, that sounded like another gunshot, is Mephiles still alive somewhere? As the questions echoed in my head I ran towards the source of the sound, as soon as I reached it my footsteps slowed down. The scene in front of me was terrifying, two figures: One on their knees, arms wrapped around their stomach; The other standing tall with a gun pointed at the other figure.

As I slowly got closer I could see more clearly. "SKY!" I yelled and ran over to him as he slowly fell to the ground, "No, please don't die on me, please don't die!". I turned him around and examined him, his heart is still beating.... Good. I tried CPR and kept pumping until Sky opened his eyes slightly. "....(Y)....(Y/N).." Sky mumbled and I stopped what was I doing. "Sky!" I whispered with tears in my eyes. Sky placed a shaky hand on my cheek and gave a weak smile, "What are you doing out here?".

"I got wired and couldn't- wait! We can't talk about that, we have to get you some help!" I said and tried to help him up, I put his arm over my shoulder and we began to walk back home. Thank god the other figure was gone, otherwise Sky would've gotten even more hurt. We were halfway there when Sky groaned and fell on one knee with his arm still around my shoulders. "S-Sky?" I panicked in fear as he layed down on the mud and held his stomach and his coat beginning to turn red with blood. I, by accident, let out a scream and hoped that someone heard. 'He's losing too much blood!' I screamed in my head. I ripped a bit of my coat and applied it onto his wound while applying pressure. "You're not dying on me, Sky" I said and soon heard the front door opening with Nickey and Sonic running up to me and helping me carrying Sky inside over to the hospital room. When we placed him on the bed, Nickey quickly got to work by investigating the wound. "I need those grabber thingys right now!" She yelled and Sonic searched through the drawers and handed them to her. Nickey pulled out the bullet that was inside Sky's stomach. "Looks like this is from a Desert Eagle, wow this is a popular gun since in 2010. It's been featured in 700 motion picture captures and several video games" Nickey said as she fixed the inside of Sky and stitched the wound closed after cleaning, "You're lucky (Y/N) found you, buddy. No one survives a shot like that from a Desert Eagle easily and lives to tell the tale".

I gave a nervous laugh and held Sky's hand, he turned and squeezed my hand with a gentle smile. "Yeah, couldn't have lived without you, (Y/N)" he mumbled through his teeth. I let my tears fall, "I'm just glad you aren't dead now".

Sonic came over and placed a his hand on my shoulder. "Well done, (Y/N)" he said with a smile and I felt I could cry with joy. I didn't know how to fight well but I saved my brother, I guess I'm not useless anymore! I can save people like everyone else! "We should leave him to rest now" Nickey said as she exited the room and left me and Sonic. Sonic looked back at me and smiled again, "I'll wait for ya upstairs, alright?". I nodded and he left the room, leaving me and a now sleeping Sky. I cleaned the remains of blood off his face. As I did that, I noticed his bracelet wasn't glowing like usual. I grabbed his hand gently since I didn't want to wake him and examined his bracelet.

I was right, the gen was officaly broken and no more glowing occurred. My smile dropped into a sad look, my brother is going to go through with what my sister had to go through, being vulnerable and weak to reality without any strength to keeping going. Emerald almost died back in that base where Mephiles held her, I'm glad my instincts were right that she was near us at the time.

I shivered at the memory of Emerald all chained up and beaten nearly to death. 'Sky, don't become like that... Please' I begged. I gave his hand one last squeeze before heading upstairs where Sonic was waiting. "You okay, (Y/N)?" He asked as he put his arm around my shoulders and we walked back into his room.

I couldn't fight the tears from falling so I put my face in Sonic's chest and cried softly. Sonic hugged me tight and picked me up, he brought me inside the room and closed the door. "(Y/N)...." Sonic looked at me with sorrowful eyes, "I know it was not nice to see Sky like that, just let it all out".

I continued to cry until I fell asleep, I could feel someone picking up in bridal style and placing me in bed as they got in next to me. ".... Sonic" I mumbled and soon felt an arm hug me as I slept.

"I love you, (Y/N)..."

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