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{If you're wondering about the music, I found it on YouTube and now I'm addicted to it! So I thought I could share it with you all :)}

I tried to communicate with Nickey and she responded quickly. (Y/N), where the hell are you?

I sighed, how am I going to tell her? I guess I'll explain eventually. 'Could you come over to the base? We're in a sticky situation here but enter the basement area, I think we're in there behind a metal jail door' I said and Nickey sighed.

So you mean to tell me she captured you? Nickey began and I was seriously starting to get impatient. 'Just get over here already!' I said and Nickey soon agreed, Alright, alright, I'll be firm there in a sec!

While we waited we helped Emerald to sit up against a wall while we kept an eye out for Nickey. Emerald coughed and soon a voice called out, "(Y/N)? You in here?". I bolted up and ran to the door, "Nickey I'm in here!"

Soon the for opened and Nickey ran in with two figures following behind. "(Y/N)!" Sonic called out and hugged me tightly, "I thought I lost you this time". I hugged back and we both pulled away. It seems that Nickey brought Sonic and Shadow with her...... Wait what?!

"Mephiles is targeting Sonic and Shadow"

"We have to get out now!" Sky said and helped Emerald up. Everyone gasped as they saw the poor beaten up Emerald who was very weak and still coughing. "You.... You got her back" Shadow said and quickly helped Sky with Emerald. She gave everyone a weak smile and soon lost conscious. "She's alright, it's been a tough time for her" I said and Shadow picked her up bridal style.

Sonic sighed, "So what happened to her?". Me and Sky took a glance at each other before answering. "Uh, well this is going to sound weird but..." I said nervously and Sky finished, "That Emerald that made you kill whomever isn't Emerald".

"Wait what?" Nickey said and raised an eyebrow, "You're saying that was a clone of her?". I nodded, "Yes, Mephiles managed to defeat Emerald when she was coming over to your dimension. But when you both came out of the portal, Emerald was replaced by Mephiles in disguise".

"Son of a!" Nickey kicked the wall and sighed, "No wonder I was given jobs to kill some targets he selected".
"Targets?" Shadow asked and Sky spoke up.

"Mephiles had been picking his weeds out of his own garden. Thanks to Emerald, she managed to tell us who the next weeds he was going to pick were next" with that said Sonic frowned and demanded Sky to tell him. I touched his arm and turned him around, "Sonic, it's yourself and Shadow he is going to kill next. That's why we need to leave now"

Before anyone could protest Nickey made a bubble around us; As she was concentrating heavy footsteps were heard. "Intruder alert, intruder alert! Contacting all soldiers to area 51" a robotic familiar voice spoke loudly and before we could see who or what it was, we were standing outside of the cabin.

"Whew, that was close" Sonic said and we all went inside. Amy straight away dropped everything and ran up to Sky to attack him in a hug. "Oh my gosh, Sky, I thought I would never see you again!" Amy cried and Sky stroked her head as he hugged her back. ".... I'm here now, aren't I?" He mumbled and Amy giggled while wiping away her fallen tears. "Okay loverbirds, we got to bring Emerald inside and tend to her injuries" I teased them a little and both of their cheeks went a little shade of pink. Ah young love these days.

Shadow brought Emerald into the little hospital room and basically stayed there staring at her as she slept. He really does care about her, doesn't he? I walked over to him, "So...". Shadow looked at me and then back to Emerald, "What do you want?".

"Woah dude, I just wanted to talk!" I said as I put my hands up in defense. Shadow just glared at me and closed his eyes. "Look I know you care about her" I said in a teasing way and Shadow's eyes snapped open. "....What're you talking about?" Shadow said quickly with a bit of red on his cheeks. "Aw c'mon, the ultimate life form has a crush on my sister!" I said and lightly poked his shoulder. Shadow rolled his eyes and slightly smiled, "Okay, okay, you win. Maybe I do care a little about Emerald".

I gave him an unamused look and sighed, "A little, really?".
"I swear you're kind of like her in some way" Shadow said and sat down next to the bed Emerald was resting in. I smiled taking one good look at Shadow and Emerald, then I left them alone. When I exited I bumped into Sonic and he caught me before I could land on the floor.

"Woah easy there, (Y/N), don't want you to get hurt now" Sonic said and brought me close. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck while his were around my waist. "Of course, my little blue-blue, why would I get hurt when I have you?" I asked with a smirk. Sonic smirked and gave a quick kiss on my lips, I returned it and we walked hand in hand.

"So what really happened back there?" Sonic asked and have my hand a little squeeze. "I don't know but I'm worried about Emerald, he bet her up pretty badly" I said and then started to feel anger towards Mephiles. God, he just had to screw everything up all the time, doesn't he? First my parents, now Emerald; The big question is why? Why is he still targeting us, what did we do to him? The kingdom we used to live in its gone, why are we still his victims?

I sighed and Sonic hugged me close, "Hey, everything's gonna be okay, we gotta be hopeful! Right?".

..::Hopeful::..  Sonic x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now