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I tossed over again in my bed, I never could find a comfortable spot at all. After Sonic dropped us all off with the gang I haven't been able to get any sleep, none whatsoever! No matter how hard I try to close my eyes they keep opening on their own; And every time I try to find a comfy spot it disappears and becomes very... uncomfortable. "I'm never going to sleep like this" I mumbled to myself and got out of bed, towards the door.

The room was very cold all of a sudden and being in PJs isn't really cool when its cold. Hey, see what I did there? Gee I need help. I pushed the door knob down and walked over to the couch to sleep on, dragging a blanket and a pillow with me and plopping them down on the couch along with myself. I sighed and got comfortable but before I went to sleep I checked the time.

5 a.m? Ah that's fine.... Wait what?! I shot up and checked the time. This can't be right, I was trying to get some sleep for 4 hours?! I groaned and went back to the couch, guess I'll have to cancel tomorrow if I'm too tired. I was actually looking forward to tomorrow, we were all going to hang out at the park for a picnic. Guess I'll have to wait for another time.

I fell face first into the pillow and moaned as my eyelids closed. I didn't have a weird dream or nightmare tonight, just another normal dream where I soon the lotto and have a vacation in Hawaii or somewhere else that's hot. I remember about how betrayed I felt when we found out that Lara was a spy that was hired to watch me; She didn't show up this evening which is good because I'm definitely not in the mood for negotiating with her other wise I'll have her head.

I need to calm down now, but Lara is doing my heading! When I think about her I touch myself.... what I mean is rub my temples because she gives me a fucking headache, not a sexual way because that just would not feel right to me. I don't judge gays but I'm not one of them so I don't know if they do that type of thing.

2 hours passed and I managed to get enough sleep to move around and do my daily routine which was get washed, dressed and fed. I still felt a little sleepy but maybe I could chill at the picnic and lay down for a bit. "Morning, (Y/N)" Emerald came out of her room while rubbing sleepy dust out of her eye.

Sky followed but just yawned, it was pretty cute to be honest! "Morning guys! Did you sleep well?" I asked as I flipped some pancakes in the frying pan and caught them perfectly. "... Not really" Sky mumbled, having his head in his hand and trying to stay awake. "I did but Sky, I think, wasn't in the room" Emerald said and looked over to Sky. "Oh how come you went out, Sky?" I asked and brought a plate of 15 pancakes over to them.

".... Stuff didn't seem right" Sky said and took a pancake to eat it. "Alrighty then" I said and nibbled on the pancake in my hands. The yummy flavor made me feel like I was walking on fluffy clouds. I sighed. "So did you sleep well, (Y/N)?" Emerald asked while taking small rabbit bites out of her pancake.

"Not much but it should be enough for today" I replied with a tired shrug. Since my body was begging for some more rest, I yawned. "Something definitely is wrong then" I heard Emerald mumble to Sky, "Do you think he's back?"

"... I highly doubt it but only one way to find out" Sky whispered back, ".. We'll check tomorrow though...". They both completely forgot that I was standing right there, but since I thought it wouldn't be a good idea to ask I pretended I didn't hear their conversation. "So you guys ready for today?" I asked as u walked towards my room. "Well we're still in our night wear so maybe not?" Emerald said and walked towards their room. Sky sighed and waited outside.

"He he, looks like you didn't get there first!" I giggled at Sky and he.... chuckled? It was a nice hearty chuckle but I never knew it sounded so fitting to him. I closed the door and quickly changed out of my PJs and into my clothes. I came out of my bedroom and saw Emerald, in her clothes, waiting outside their room for Sky. "Gee it's like waiting to use a public restroom over there from my point of view" I called out and Emerald rolled her eyes. "Well if you gave us individual rooms we wouldn't have to play the waiting game" she said and folded her arms at me with raised eyebrows.

"Sorry but I think Lara has more rooms than I do, how would you like a prison cell as a sperate room?" I joked and Emerald giggled. "I think I'll pass" she replied and we both laughed together. Sky came out in his clothes but I noticed a scar on his cheek. I walked over to him and pinched his cheek, "What happened here?"

Emerald took notice and her eyes widen. "Oh my gosh! Sky, what happened?" Emerald rushed towards her brother and examined the cheek after pulling my hands off it. "This was from last night, wasn't it?" I asked.

Sky shook his head but I knew he was lying, a wound like that wouldn't have happened right now when it already had a scalp over it. "Who did this?" Emerald asked and folded her arms as well. We gave Sky serious looks that showed we weren't going to give into a lie. He sighed, "......When I went out last night I got attacked by some muggers, but since I had nothing on me they decided to physically attack me. I fought them off and ran back here since I knew what would've happened if I continued to fight"

"What happens when you do?" I asked

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