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{Heyo peoplr! I'm back again and this time I'm a little early then usual! I don't know why the picture isn't working but I'll try to fix it! By the way Luna belongs to @Luna_Star_Devilhog and Rachel belongs to @amazing_nonsense, sorry if I spelled your names wrong! ╮(╯_╰)╭}

While we played games like tag in the dark and guess what I'm eating, no one noticed that Nickey was missing. She wasn't here for helping with the decorations either, where'd she go? Curiosity got the best of me and I wandered towards the hallway. There was a light coming through the window on the door, I looked through whole trying to not be blinded by the light.

I could make out 3 figures, two girl hedgehogs and a girl wolf, I think that's what I saw. The window was kind of blurry but I'll believe what I see. The wolf figure took notice of me and started to get closer as the two hedgehogs walked forward. 'Shit..' I thought they couldn't see me!

I backed away from the door, ran back into the living room and bumped into Sonic. "(Y/N)? You okay?" He asked with a worried look and I nodded. "Yeah I'm f-fine, just looking for Nickey" I said and patted his shoulder, "Let's party!"

Sonic chuckled at me and we both walked back towards where the gang was dancing. I could feel some eyes staring at me, making me feel uncomfortable. I turned around and saw Sky looking at me along with Emerald. What's up with them?

What did you see? Emerald spoke with a little hint of anger in her voice. '3 figures, two hedgehogs and a wolf' I replied and they nodded at the same time. Alright then.

Soon the front door closed and Nickey came over to the living room. "Sliver and Manic have visitors" she said pointing her thumb at the door. "What, but we didn't have anyone else with us?" Sliver said and Manic shrugged. Nickey rolled her eyes, "I'll bring them in then".

Sky pulled a disgusted face and Emerald gave him a questioning look. "Sky, what's wrong?" She asked and he whispered to her. I got closer to hear and could make out one word.
"....... Devilhog....." Sky said to Emerald and she frowned at him. "What? But Devilhogs don't belong with Mobius, right? What is a Devilhog doing here if they're meant to be in Grufose!?" Emerald said and soon confusion struck me.

"What's a Devilhog?" I asked and Emerald sighed. "Don't you know it's rude to listen on people's conversations?" She said and I shot back, "It's also rude to keep secrets from siblings". Sky sighed and told me, "Devilhogs are very gifted mobians, so gifted that they have to stay in Grufose and not Mobius because of it. Of course there's going to be rebels".

"What? I'm seriously lost right now" I asked with my arms folded. Emerald shook her head and sighed with her eyes closed, "I hope they know what kind we are"

If life was just like a cartoon I would have a huge question mark above my head. What kind we are? Emerald and Sky ignored to answer me and waited for Nickey to bring in the visitors.

A red hedgehog with purple hair and azure eyes. Purple off one shoulder top with black trousers. She had two black swords on her back and two pistols in her front pockets. She looked at everyone like we were stones on a beach shore.

Next to her was a black wolf with sliver hair and blue eyes with matching eye shadow. She looked more friendlier with her black crop top and black skirt with a golden belt and black boots. She looked at us like we were flowers but also seemed a little nervous by looking at everyone.

Emerald and Sky slightly glared at the red, guess that's a Devilhog they've been talking about. "Luna, Rachel! What are you doing here?" Sliver said and the black hedgehog waved shyly at him. "Oh h-hi, S-Sliver" she said, I think this one is Rachel since Luna suits the other one.

Luna didn't reply but only glare back at Emerald and Sky. "Lisquadas (Liz-a-quad-as)" She mumbled and soon they had a glaring match. "Devilhog" they both said to Luna. "Alright guys, now's not the time to fight" Manic said playing his hands to his sides which faced Luna, Emerald and Sky to prevent them from fighting.

"Oh please, we were just going to bring Devilhog back home where she belongs" Emerald hissed and Luna gritted her teeth. "I don't need to since I have full permission" She shot back. Sky's eyes, I noticed, were turning slightly red in a way.

He's starting to scare me now. I remembered the nightmare I had of him, he looked so demonic but now he looks different then demonic? I walked towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder, he relaxed quickly and soon looked at me. His eyes returning to their normal ice blue color with the gentle look.

We both nodded at each other and Emerald soon stopped when Sky placed a hand on her shoulder. I sighed and turned to Luna, "I'm sorry about them, it's been a long day for them".

Luna nodded, "Well tell them to learn the new laws if Mobius". I nodded but when she walked away, my face was like 'What the hell?' look. I'm still confused about this whole "Devilhogs" and "New laws of Mobius". How come I've never heard of them before, is it something the government are hiding from the citizens? Is there different types of Mobians around the edges of the world?

I shook my head or if my thoughts, we're having a party right now let's welcome the guests! Emerald seemed to have forggoten the fight but Sky still remained tense with Luna around, he's really serious about this. Rachel greeted everyone with the kind smile of hers while Luna sat on the couch and read a book, shutting out everyone.

I wonder why she's like this?

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