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{Sorry for the wait!The picture was requested by: NickeytheHedgehog64, hope you like it! Also I tried to write a lemon so enjoy while I go and hide in a corner}

After the little showdown everyone continued to do their daily business. Amy and Cream were baking, Rouge was teasing Knuckles, Tails was talking to Sky, Shadow was tackling Sonic and laughing...... Where the hell is Nickey and Emerald? I looked down the corrider to the bedrooms and the bathroom, it seems like they're in the bathroom.

I could Nickey laughing while Emerald was mumbling something. As I got closer I could hear what Nickey was laughing at. ".....So my brother got really pissed and started to imindate me just for a laugh" Emerald giggled and soon talked in a funny accent, "Look at me, I make people happy! I bring them all to happy land with unicorns and CAWNDY!"

Nickey was laughing so hard and I think she fell off of whatever she was sitting on, seems like they're having fun. "Jesus, Emerald, I'm glad I met you" Nickey giggled as she caught her breath and sighed, "There ya go!"
Emerald gasped, "Oh my god, Nickey I love it! Thank you so much!".

"Haha, you're welcome, Emerald" Nickey giggled at her behaviour, "Let's go show the others!". I backed away from the door and went back to the living room, I sat down next to Sky and waited for them. Nickey cane from around the corner and smiled as she raised her voice. "Uh, guys?" everyone turned and looked at her, stopping what they were doing compltetly, "Okay so Emerald has a new look and I was wondering if you would like to see it".

Everyone nodded and Nickey nodded her head to Emerald. Emerald walked around the corner slowly and smiled when she stopped. Her hair was compltetly brown anymore it had lime green dip dyes at the tips that reached halfway up, it was gorgeous on her. Emerald bowed and soon pointed over to Nickey, "T'was done by zis fabulous perzon, Nickey ze Hedgehog"

Everyone laughed at Emerald's fake French accent, I guess they're best buddies now that's good. Nickey bowed and soon they went outside to walk around and talk. Sonic walked over to me and hugged me from behind. "Heya (n/n)" he said tiredly and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Hello, Mr sleepy blue" I said and giggled as he blushed in response. "You always find a way to make me blush, don't ya?" Sonic said and kissed my cheek. I giggled and placed my hand on his cheek, "I always do and I won't stop". Our faces got closer and I whispered, "Because you're my little blue blue". Sonic chuckled and whispered back, "And you're my little (n/n)".

Our lips touched and soon we finished with 8 more kisses. Of course we made the last kiss deeper, it was sweet and soft like I was kissing clouds. Sonic pulled away and lifted me up bridal style, taking me by surprise. "S-Sonic, what are you-" I said but Sonic interrupted me with a kiss. When I opened my eyes we were in his bedroom again, of course I was already on the bed while Sonic locked the door and closed the blinds.

I blushed as he approached and placed his hands on the side of me, trapping me from moving. "S-Sonic?" I said and soon he attacked my lips. I let him slip his tongue inside my mouth and explore every inch of it. As Sonic was exploring he placed his hands on my shoulders and gently pushed my so I was lying on the bed.

He got on top of me and we soon had a tongue wrestle for dominance. I tried to win but Sonic cheated by foundling with my breasts, making me gasp a little and he easily slid his tongue in. As Sonic distracted me, I felt my top being removed slowly.

'Just get it off already?' I was getting impatient with him and soon got it off by myself. Sonic stared at me and smirked. "What, you're too slow" I said and Sonic growled seductively. "Man, (Y/N), you know how I like to make you mad" Sonic leaned towards my ear, "You're too sexy"

With that said he nimbled my ear and soon moved down to my jaw then my neck. He searched for my sweet spot and soon found it, making me moan in response. "Sonic...." I moaned and gripped onto his shoulders while I gritted my teeth.

Sonic smirked and we kissed once again. "Hey, (Y/N)?" Sonic asked as he layed next to me. "Hm?" I asked as I snuggled up next to him. Sonic chuckled and stroked my hair, "I love you"

I giggled, "I love you too". I closed my eyes to pretend I was asleep and I heard Sonic sigh. I then attacked him by tickling his sides which took him by surprise and made him fall off the bed. "I also forgot to say never trust me" I smirked at him as he smirked back and attacked me with more kisses.

"Okay, you win" Sonic said and we soon fell asleep, well Sonic did after an hour I stayed up to play with his quills.

Emerald spoke to me and I immediately responded. 'Yeah, what's up?'

The sky, haha!
'Oh good one, haha!'
Okay, um hope you don't mind me asking but why were you moaning?

I blushed and sighed a little, 'W-well, um we were-'

Wait, don't tell me. I think I might known!
'Okay then, what is it?'
You're not a virgin anymore, are you?
'Emerald! That was 4 nights ago!' I immediately regretted saying that, now she's going to think I'm going to be pregnant.

(Y/N), did you use protection?Otherwise I'm giving you the pill.
'Yes we did, Sonic made sure' my cheeks were beginning to get really warm, god this is so embrassing to talk about especially when it's your sister!

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