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I blushed and looked away, making Sonic laugh. "It's alright, (Y/N), I was just teasing!" Sonic chuckled and nudged me playfully. I nudges him back and we laughed. I really love this kind of thing, I don't have to work my brain too hard and I get to chill out with everyone, especially Sonic. We've talked about what our favorite things were and I feel a lot closer to him now. "So you like chilli dogs, right?" I asked, "I've never really had one before since I never had the time to go out"

"What?!" Sonic yelled and soon grabbed my arm, "You are going to try one right now!", "But I'm not hungry!" I said in a monotone and tried to keep up with him, man he's sure is fast! We reached the kitchen and Sonic got a chilli dog from the fridge and handed one to me. "Here try it" Sonic said with a smile. I slowly took a bite and the chilli sauce made my tounge slightly sting but not painfully; it had a nice taste to it to be honest, I finished eating all of the chilli dog.

"So?" Sonic asked with a head in his hand and waited like a puppy. I laughed a little and nodded, "That tasted awesome!"
Sonic seemed to like my reaction and lifted me up in the air. "I finally have someone that likes chilli dogs!" He swung me around and laughed. I joined in and squealed in joy, "Sonic, put me down now! Ah!" I squealed again as I was brought closer to him.

"I'm really glad I met you, (Y/N)" Sonic said as he snuggles closer and rested his head on the my shoulder while buiring his face into my neck. "He he, me too, Sonic!" I giggled and felt his breath on my neck. "Do you wanna stay here for the night?" Sonic suggested but I knew he wouldn't like the answer I was about to give him.

"Sorry, Sonic, I have guests staying with me. I can't just leave them" I said a sadly and pulled away from him to begin walking back to the lab. I was stopped by Sonic grabbing my hand and turning me to face him. "Hey, it's okay!" He reassured me but I still didn't feel happy, "(Y/N), smile"

I felt Sonic place his fingers on the corners of my mouth and lift them up to form a smile. His chuckle made me keep the smile in place. "See? There you go, you're smiling!" Sonic laughed and I laughed with him. "That's because you made me!" I punched his shoulder softly. "But you kept it in place" he said.

I rolled me eyes at him, we grew quiet until Sonic spoke again, "So how's the person in your head?" Sonic asked and poked his head instead of mine. I thought for a bit, how should I tell him? "Uh, well I actually haven't heard from them in a while" I told him and it was true, Emerald have really been talking to me in my mind anymore.

"That's good because"  Sonic gave and voice got a little angry, "I don't want  them near you". He looks scary when he's mad, especially when there is  black smoke rising from his body. "Sonic, even if they do make contact with me again I'm sure we'll find a way" I reassured and Sonic's body turned back to it's normal blue. "....I hope we do" I heard him mumble but pretended I didn't hear him.

We went back inside to see a white bat arguing with Emerald. "Excuse me but that's my treasure you're taking away!" The bat said and tried to snatch the crystal out of Emerald's hand but failed due to Emerald's quick reflexes. "A stolen gem isn't treasure, you thief!" Emerald glared at the bat and began walking off.

"I can reassure you that-" the bat began but Emerald cut it off. "The assurance of a jewel thief are of no interest to me, I'm returning this and you should be glad I'm not turning you in to the police" Emerald shot back and walked down the hall. I noticed how stunned everyone in the room was, including myself. Emerald just had her first argument with a person.

"Look, Emerald, it's fine besides" I looked at the crystal in her hands, "That kind of looks like a chaos emerald"
Emerald looked at me than back at the crystal. "It's fake" she whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear. "And this is why I should be allowed to keep it!" The bat spoke again and made Emerald angry again.

Green fire emitted from her hands and her eyebrow was beginning to twitch. "You know what? I don't think you deserve it.... Rouge" Emerald some through her teeth with hair falling in front of her face. The bat froze, "H-how do you know my name?"

I could see what was beginning to happen so I ran over to Emerald to calm her down. "Emerald, look at me!" She raised her head and her eyes were filled with fury, "Are you seriously going to let this small thing annoy you?"

The green flames were slowly extinguished and Emerald's eyes returned to normal. She looked surprised at me.

The sound of glass breaking was heard. Emerald looked down at her hands to see the crystal wasn't there anymore. Since we weren't looking, Sky managed to snatch it and break the crystal with his bare hands. He handed the remains to Rouge who stared in horror.

"M-my crystal" Rouge stared at it in disbelief. Sky stopped next to her but didn't face her, "..... Mess with my sister, you'll be answering to me" he hissed quietly. It was pretty frightening but he walked off and left the room to go outside. I noticed Amy going after him.

I sighed, "I'm sorry about your gem, Rouge". Rouge looked up at me, speechless. "It's alright, I deserved it" she said and sighed while flying through the window. "(Y/N)..." Emerald spoke but I cut her off. "That was really mean what the two of you did. I don't care what you have to say, just leave me alone" I screamed at her and ran off.

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