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Sonic's P.O.V
I've never seen (Y/N) so heartbroken before, I could tell she wasn't taking what Emerald said to her very lightly. It was like watching someone dropping a vase in slow motion. The way how she stared at the stairs made me begin to worry even more about her; She had busy night and now she has to deal with this? No I'm not allowing her to do this by herself.

I walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "I'll go talk to Emerald for you, alright? It's not your fault so don't beat yourself up about it, okay?". With the best smile I could give her I ran up the stairs and went after Emerald.

Her door was closed so I knocked but I could hear slightly quiet sobbing. "Emerald, it's me, Sonic? Can I come in?" I asked and soon the sobbing stopped. I took that as a "yes" and entered the room to see Emerald in the corner of her room with her head in her knees and arms wrapped around them.

"You know you really did hurt (Y/N)?" I began and her head shot up to glare daggers at me. "If that's what you've come to talk about than leave, I've had her say it than you" Emerald said and looked away. "So you mean you want her to come upstairs and say that you hurt her? Emerald, you need calm down already, Sky is fine now he just needs to rest" I said and closed the door.

"Emerald, please" I said as I crouched in front of her. It looked like she was thinking for a while and kept hesistating to do something. I waited for her reply.

"Sonic, you don't understand a single thing about her so don't pretend like you do" Emerald said and shot the deadliest glare I've ever seen, oh if looks could kill. "Pretending? Oh so now we're taking about me, huh?" I asked, "This fight has nothing to do with me, I'm just helping (Y/N) because she's never in her life had someone to stand up for her other than her brother and sister. Am I not allowed to make her happy?"

Emerald stood up, raised her hand and...


My cheek stung and I went to feel it, I looked back at Emerald who was dead serious. She just slapped me, why? "Sonic the hedgehog, you do that with everyone not just (Y/N). You're a little boy who thinks it's his job to make everyone happy but himself. Like I said you don't understand (Y/N) at all, she worries about you and always feels like she needs to repay you for everything you've done for her. Maybe if you thought what you did for her you'll be happy yourself, but she'll forget what you did for her" Emerald said and folded her arms at me

I had enough, "(Y/N) is the number one thing that makes me happy and I'm not allowing to see her upset anymore!" I said a little louder than I expected, taking Emerald off guard, "Yes you are right about me trying to make everyone happy, it's because when I was younger no one was happy! Not one bit!"

Emerald actually looked like she was taking every word I was saying but I kept going on. "You say she'll forget what I did for her? You're right with that too but people don't forget how they feel for a person even if they forget what they did for them"

As I was done saying my speech I heard a clap. I looked at Emerald to see that she was clapping as if I just did something to amaze her. "What are you clapping for?" I asked, a little bit calmed down. "Well why else would I be clapping for you? That was a great speech" she smiled at me, "I know what I did was harsh, it was just an experiment I wanted to test"

"Well what was the test?" I asked, feeling a little sorry that I gave out to her now. Emerald smiled again, "Well I wanted to see if you were the right one for (Y/N) so I decided to make a test to see how you'd react when:
A. She looked hurt
B. How'd you deal with the situation
And C. What would you say if I said you didn't know a single thing about her. I must say it was impressive, I'm glad you're her boyfriend" Emerald walked past me, leaving me starstruck.

"Oh and Sonic?" Emerald called out, making me turn around, "Please don't get her pregnant yet, wait until she's at least 28 or something". I slightly blushed and sheephilsy nodded while scratching the back of my head. "U-uh sure, I'll-I'll make sure I don't!" I said nervously.

Emerald smiled and exited out of the room with me following behind. (Y/N) was still at the bottom of the stairs and she looked hopeful as she stared at us. I smiled at her to tell her everything was alright now and that made her smile. Emerald ran down the stairs and tackled (Y/N) into a bear hug.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you" Emerald said while still hugging (Y/N). (Y/N) looked stunned like she couldn't believe she won the lotto or something. She's happy that's the important thing. I smiled as I leaned on the banister of the stairs, when (Y/N)'s happy so am I. It's like a bond when I first met her, the typical "She's the one" sort of thing.

I shrugged off my thoughts and saw (Y/N) coming towards me. "Thank you" she whispered as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I smiled and buried my face in her neck as my arms wrapped around her waist. "Anything for you, babe" I said and gave her a quick peck on her cheek.

"I love you"
"I love you too"

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