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Today, we decided to gather my stuff from my apartment and bring them over to the cabin. I wanted to go alone so they waited outside in case I needed help with the coach or TV. I sighed as I packed all my books from my bookshelf into a box and closed it.

She's been gone for 7 days now, the only thing that's interesting to everyone now is the robbery in the museum; a chaos emerald was stolen by a "mysterious masked girl". Of course we all had to make sure to gather the emeralds and keep them close so we'll be able to capture them.

I closed in my eyes in thought and shook my head; 'It still doesn't feel right to, I feel like the truth is going to hurt more' I said to myself. As I was deep in thought I heard a voice. "Wow, you've now decided to move out?" Sarcasm was noticed in their rough voice. I heard them jump down from the window still and approached me.

"Wha-?!" I scaremed as they quickly covered my mouth with their hand. I looked up to see a brown male cat; he had long dark brown hair covering one eye, deep amber eyes, olive tan skin, one ear piered with..... a amber diamond? I frozed and stared at it, is he one of us? "Now when I remove my hand, promise you won't scream?" He said and somehow his eyes were a but calming.

I nodded slowly and he gave a breath of relief as he slowly removed his hand. My eyes still held fear inside them and he smiled as to reassure me. "I'm not here to scare you, I can promise you that" he started and I tried to remember where I heard his voice before. Did I met him somewhere before? Is he a journalist too?

I shook that question off my mind when I noticed his weapons. Two twin pistols, a dagger and some container with.... B-blood?! I took a big step back and he noticed I saw his container. "W-who the hell are y-you?" I whispered as I his behind the coach. "I'm your other brother"

My eyes shot wide open and I fell down. "You're.... uh.... not serious, are you?" I asked nervously with swearing dripping down my forehead.

Emerald P.O.V.
I groaned in pain as I was blinded by a bright light. Where am I? I thought to myself and soon realized that I was tied to a chair. "What?" I whispered and struggled to get my feet or wrists moving. Footsteps were heard in from of me and I saw a man accompanied by two others.

"Ah, you're finally awake!" He spoke, his British accent strong. So these are the people that were planning to take her? I asked myself as I glared at them in disgust. "Anyway, let's get started shall we? Hold her down, boys" he commanded his followers and they both tilted my chair by 45° to be exact. "What the fuck do you-!" I screamed at them only to be stopped by seeing a pick in front my right eye that normally stays hidden behind my hair.

"Now to make things easier, all you have to do is a simple job or two for me and I'll let you go. If you don't, then that's when this fella comes in and someone you care about is going to be hurt" he started, trying to act nice. I spat at his face and earned a smack across the face.

"Now, now, love. That isn't a way to treat your new boss" he started as he brought the pick closer to my eye. I tensed up and tried to move my head away, dam restrictions! I glared my deadliest glares I could possibly give but that didn't work.

He smirked at me behind his purple shaded glasses. "Now, love, have you heard of transorbital lobotomy?" He asked with a smirk, making me tremble. He isn't going to do that to me, is he? He chuckled at me and brought the pick under my eyelid. I bit my lip to hold back my pain as he slid the pick over my eyeball and resting it against my skull.

I tried to move away but the pain increased. "Hey, love, if you keep moving I won't be held responsible for what happens next!" He told me of like I was a toddler, pathetic. "Now, I'm just about near your skull with the pick" he said as he moves the pick side to side slowly. "And this is where this guy comes in" he said showing a hammer and then slightly tapping the pick once. I cringed in pain as the pick jabbed at my skull.

"Aw c'mon, that was nothing but a wee tap" he chuckled and I glared at him. "What do you want?" I said while trying to bear with the pain. "Isn't oblivious, love? I want the blue blur and his girlfriend dead, but of course you wouldn't do that now would you?" He threatened me with the hammer.

"Look, you might as well kill me because that will never happen" I said but he just laughed. "You know what I can find behind that skull of yours? Your prefrontal lobe. And do you know what its for?" He said and tapped the pin with the hammer again, making me gasp in pain, "your creativity, individuality; basically what makes you you"

I managed to slow down my breathing. "Now last chance, you do the job for me and you'll live along with your friends and family" he smirked but I soon chuckled at him. "Or what? What, you'll put a hole in my head and take away my memories? You want me to forget all of this? You want me to not care anymore? Go ahead, you'll be doing me a favor" I smirked at him and soon he yelled at in rage and ripped the pick out of my eye, taking my eye with it.

"You dare talk back to me again and I'll make you blind, girl!" He spat at me, "You're doing the job whether you like it or not".

The followers patched up my eye with an eye patch and they all left me to bare with the pain in the empty room. "D-dam you, D-Dex...." I hissed before I passed out.

(Y/N), run away.... I said before I felt a different feeling I never wanted to feel..... Lust.

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