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{I have returned from the..... School? .. For a while. Anyway enjoy ('・ω・') }
Everything was normal as usual, Amy decided to throw a party since she said "We never had proper fun". So here I am with the girls getting the decorations and music ready while the boys go and get the food and drinks. Of course none of us wanted to be drunk since Cream is only a kid and plus drinking wasn't a big party with me, I don't want to wake up with a massive headache.

I was busy putting up a rainbow color banner up above the curtains with Emerald when we heard Amy's excited footsteps. When she's extremely happy her footsteps ate very light and loud. "Guys, guys!" She squealed, making Emerald and Rouge cover their ears since they're a cat and a bat. I sighed and asked in a monotone voice, "What is it, Amy?".

She was clenching her fists so hard that I swear I could see her veins on her knuckles popping through her gloves. "Sliver and Manaic are here!" She squealed once again. I raised an eyebrow and Rouge gasped. "Who is Sliver and Manic?" I asked and Emerald shrugged. "Beats me" Emerald shook her head.

"I thought I would never see them ever again" Rouge said with a hand slightly and she looked a little surprised. Two hedgehogs entered the room, one was green the other was a shiver grey color, I can understand how Sliver got his name but I'm so not sure if the sliver hedgehog is even Sliver. The green hedgehog had his ear buds in and was busy texting or something on his phone, 'Sliver' nudged him and he stopped what he was doing to look up at us.

The sliver hedgehog had a tan muzzle two quills going down on the back of his head with five quills going straight up. (Pfft LoL, I blame my friends for giving me a dirty mind XD) His eyes were an amber color and he had chest fur going over his shoulders. He wore boots and gloves with golden rings and weird blue smybols on them. He smiled cutely at us.

The green hedgehog had a messy green Mohawk, slightly pierced ears and was a little pale. He looked kind of like Sonic but not completely. He wore a red torn up jacket, very similar to Sky's jacket except it wasn't denim.

"Hey guys!" The sliver hedgehog said and waved at us all like a little kid. "Yo.." the green hedgehog smiled slightly, I guess he's a little shy? Amy stood next to them and smiled proudly as she introduced them to me and Emerald. "This is Sliver" she pointed to the sliver hedgehog who smiled cutely again. "And this is Manic" the green hedgehog lowered his head a tiny bit but have another shy smile and wave. I waved to both of them.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)" I greeted and they nodded. Emerald was deep in thought so I decided to introduce her myself. "This is my sister, Emerald" when I said her name I nudged her out of her thoughts. "Wha-?" She said but soon saw the newcomers, "Oh, hello".

"So what are you all doing?" Sliver asked and clapped his hands together. Rouge smiled a little, "We're preparing a little party for ourselves, you can join if you want". "Sure, why not?" Manic mumbled with a nervous smile while running the back of his head. "C'mon guys, make yourself comfy!" Amy said and brought them over to the couch for them sit down. Sliver chuckled and Manic seemed to be uses to this somehow. "So what brings you guys here?" I asked as I handed Amy the ribbons for the doorways. "Well actually we were just passing by and got a little lost" Sliver laughed a little and Manic looked outside the window.

"Hey, where's everyone else?" Manic asked and looked around the place, "Where's Sonic, my bro?". As if it were on cue the boys arrived back with bags of food and drinks. "We're... back" Knuckles grunted as he struggled to walk with two full brown bags blocking his view. Rouge giggled and took one bag from him. "Thanks" he managed to mumble and Rouge nodded. "Anything for my Knucklehead!" She teased as she winked at him.

Knuckles slightly blushed but brushed it off and the rest put the bags on the table. Sonic puffed and I walked over to him, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Sonic smiled at me and soon took notice of the two visitors. "Hey Manic!" Sonic fist bumped Manic and Manic nudged his shoulder. "Ey bro! So (Y/N) is your lucky lady?" He smirked and Sonic went a little pink. I giggled, "Yeah, I'm his little (n/n)".

Sonic chuckled and put his arm around my shoulder, "I guess that answers your question". Manic rolls his eyes and chuckles, "Yeah, no shit".

"Manic, Cream's still a kid!" Amy hissed and Manic did a face palm. "Okay, sorry" he said and soon walked off. I took a quick glance at Shadow and Emerald, they look so cute! Shadow was helping Emerald with the rest of the curtain decorations and she slipped off the stool, luckily Shadow caught her and they look so cute with their noses slightly touching and their cheeks a pale shade of pink. I swear I could turn into how Amy was like 5 minutes ago with Sliver and Manic's visit.

Cream skipped over to the radio and put in a disc, Speak with your Heart was playing.

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