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I felt nothing, it was an endless loops of all of my memories playing in different orders. The one I remembered the most was a blue hedgehog. My eyes opened and I found myself in a room. The walls were crystal-like with messy bookshelves, beds, a kitchen, and fighting dummies with weapons lined up against the wall. There were no windows or doors at all, how did I get here?

I noticed a clear spot in the crystal wall so I walked over to it.
Choose your location...
It said on the screen, it gave me multiple options but it wasn't locations it was people. Maybe I can check on the others?

I pressed a blue button and soon saw the cabin, I smiled but it soon dropped when I saw the scene. Sonic was crying into Emerald's shoulder and everyone was bowing their heads down. Sky punched a wall and fell to his knees and Emerald closed her eyes as they became damp.
Why are they sad? I moved myself around and saw me on the couch; I looked so peaceful sleeping there but then.... How am I here? Am I dead?! Wait if I'm dead than why is there two beds in this room? Ones green and the other is blue, is this where Emerald and Sky stayed when they were sealed in the Master Emerald?

I examined the area more closely and found Emerald's diary of when she was at least 8, I smiled to myself; let's see her young side then. I opened it up and saw straight away her neat ancient script writing.

October the 4th moon, 1876

Dear Diary,
I'm really bored right now, Sky keeps telling to find something to do when there isn't anything to do! "Read a book" he says but I've already read every single book and did all of my studying so what's the point in that? Ugh I swear on Mobius that if I don't leave this room, I will die of boredom

"You can't keep this cat in the bag for long, 'cause the cat can use their claws to break the fabric" that's what mother used to tell me every night but now that she and father are gone, everything had been falling apart. Sky doesn't say much ever since that day and he's always over worrying about me. Like the one time I began to use my claws to climb the wall so I could add a drawing; I never heard the end of his lecturing! But then again he's always been there for me so I don't regret anything.

The one thing I'm focusing on is (Y/N), I've only seen her when she turned 3 but now that Sky has given her a home; we never got to see her anymore. This makes me sad since I always wanted to know what to know more about her but sadly that cannot happen.

Maybe one day we'll meet? Anyway I've got to go to sleep now otherwise Sky will tickle-attack me!

- Emerald


I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I quickly wipes it away, even though they gave me up they were still thinking about me. Emerald wanted to know what it was like to have a sister but never got the proper change because Mephiles took that chance away from her. I'm glad he's gone, he got what he deserved. I decided to keep the book close and walked over to a colorful wall.

It started off with kiddy drawings that were done with crayon, typical girls with triangle bodies and boys with square bodies. But as I looked up I saw how better the pictures were getting; they got more artistic, no more stick figures available in sight. Pictures of places I've never seen, creatures I've never heard of or even seen before. What did they see to get so highly influenced to draw them?

I grabbed a book from the floor and picked it up on what page was left on.
The Mobian Types it read and showed an old map of Mobius. The place was divided into seven areas. The top left was belonging to the "Frosthogs; the people who bring winter and give hibernation to the tired. It also said that they were the creators of Mobius but different species couldn't survive in the cold like they could so that's why they have their own area."

"The bottom left was belonging to the Devilhogs, Luna belongs there apparently. It says that Devilhogs are people who contain a lot of understanding knowledge and power; they were once regular Mobians but soon were gifted with their powers. They provide protection and justice to all Mobians, they stop demons for good."

"The top right, belonged to the Edchinda Tribe, I'm guessing that's where Knuckles is from. They live on a floating island called "Angel Island" and they protect the chaos emeralds and the.... Master Emerald." I stopped reading and began to think, if they were protecting it for many generations than does that mean Emerald and Sky were.... feared? I shook it off, there's no way that could be possible they're too innocent to be feared!

With that in mind I turned the page, my eyes widened. Lisquadas was written on the top of the page in the most ancient writing I've ever seen, the page was old and brown with torn edges and medieval writing.

"Lisquadas are the most power dominant creatures any planet has ever held. If any other mobian is lucky enough to capture one and use their powers they can and will be invincible. Lisquadas produce unlimited power, these powers can make many unusual things occur; such as

-Time travel

-Youthful beauty

-Fast learners"

That probably explains how Sky is very good at fighting and Emerald is good at knowing others that don't know her. So they could only watch other people's lives; I guess that's all they could do since there isn't a T.V in sight at all. But why does Sky always act mature and Emerald doesn't?

I sighed, I just hope everyone is alright without me

..::Hopeful::..  Sonic x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now