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"So I control wind?" I said a bit unsure if it was right. Sonic nodded, "Yeah it kind of explains why you were slightly faster than me"
"Pfft, what? Faker got beaten by a girl?!" Shadow laughed and Sonic glared at him. "Well I know I'm faster than you, Shadow" soon the two of them were fighting with me and Emerald in the middle.

"Guys!" I yelled and they both stopped, "If you're both going to fight then I suggest you both stop right now. You're scaring Cream and Cheese" Emerald said and hugged the frightened rabbit and Chao as they shivered. Shadow and Sonic gave apologetic looks, "Sorry" they both said and calmed down. I petted Cream's head to assure her everything was alright and she smiled at me. Sonic, I think, must've noticed I was cheering up Cream; He tried to tickle attack me but I easily dodged it. "So how's your day been, Cream?" Emerald asked and turned her away so she wouldn't see me and Sonic have a tickle fight.

I got up and giggled as Sonic for up with a shocked face. "Dang it, it's no fair when you have the power of wind" he whined and tried to tickle me again. I laughed and got him from behind, he began to fall on his knees and wriggle himself out of my grasp with giggles escaping his mouth. "You do realize when you tickle someone and they laugh it's an act of panic?" Shadow said coldly at us which made us stop.

Me and Sonic looked at each other and smirked eviliy, Shadow was going to get it now. "Panic you say, hm?" I said and we soon attacked Shadow. Sonic pinned him down and I tickled him. He tried to get Sonic's grasp and my tickles away but failed every time. The next thing a branch wrapped around my hands and Sonic's and we were lifted into the air. "Enough already, I just managed to get the little ones to sleep" Emerald whined and lowered us down. I guess when she said she had the power to control earth she wasn't kidding around.

"Okay okay, fine" I sighed and she released us. Sonic laughed a little but then received a punch from Shadow. "Never tickle me again, Faker" Shadow growled and then glared at me, "That doesn't mean you get away with it either". He was about to punch me when a hand grabbed his hand before he could do so. "Not cool, Shadow" Sonic said and Shadow snatched his hand back, "Don't you dare hurt her"

"Whatever, Faker!" Shadow scoffed and sat back down next to Emerald. Emerald sighed, "Shadow, (Y/N) is my sister so I'm kind of on Sonic's side for this one. Plus you don't want to see (Y/N)'s brother, Zayn, when he gets mad; And I don't want to mad either" Emerald warned and placed the sleeping rabbit and chao gently on the picnic blanket. Shadow nodded and soon everyone came over.

Amy looked a little shocked for some reason and Sky looked fine but I could tell he was regretting something. "Um Amy? Are you alright?" I asked and it seemed to make Amy snap out of her thoughts. "U-uh..." she took a quick glance at Sky then back to me, "Y-yeah, I'm fine"

Whatever Sky told her must have some good news or she was just surprised about something, did Sky actually confess to her? ".... Look we need to talk" Sky said to everyone. "Okay, what is it?" Knuckles asked. "W-well" Amy began, "You remember the people inside (Y/N)'s head?"

Everyone nodded. "You see, I'm not really Zayn" Sky said and soon his ebony armor with sapphires on it formed on his body, "I'm Sky the hedgehog"
"Knew it" Shadow hissed and got up to fight Sky. "Shadow.." Emerald started, "I'm the same, I'm not Electra. I'm Emerald"

My head hurt like someone was forcing a nail into the side of my head. Images of faces and places went appeared in my head quickly and disappeared before I could register what they actually were. "Emerald..... Sky......" a whispering voice said, ".....protect your sister, (Y/N)..... Take her somewhere safe.... I knew Daddy wasn't himself anymore but I will always be with you". My eyes began to tear up and I fell to my knees, that voice was the exact same one from that woman who was murdered in my nightmare! Was.... Was she my real mother?!

I cried and Sonic rushed over to me. "(Y/N), what's wrong?" He asked and I sniffed. Another image flashed before me and I saw two familiar figures standing in front of my parents' house. "If you don't mind, would you kindly take care of her for us?" That voice belonged to Emerald! They weren't my real parents after all, they adopted me because Emerald and Sky wanted me safe.

Another flash back happened and I saw myself in my apartment waking up from a nightmare with Emerald and Sky rushing towards me. "It's alright.... Ssssh" she coed. Now there was a beautiful woman holding a crying baby, was that me? The baby had (f/c) fur with (f/c) eyes that sparkled, (f/c) muzzle, and (f/c) (hair/quills). It is me as a baby! "It's alright.... Ssssh" the woman coed, that was similar to the way Emerald calmed me down!

"Just be hopeful, dear, be hopeful"
Those words echoed in my head at least 20 times. "ENOUGH!" I screamed randomly, "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF BEING HOPEFUL!"
I cried and felt arms wrapped around me, Sonic cradled me in his arms and I sobbed into his chest. Why do I have to be hopeful, why am I always feeling hurt now? Why, just why?

"Cause I'm hopeful, yes I am. Hopeful for today, take this music and use it. Let it take you away. And be hopeful, hopeful, he'll make a way. I know it ain't easy but that's okay. Just be hopeful"

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