Chapter 2- Coffee Shopp.

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Kyler's POV

I walk down in the busy streets of London, until I find a local coffee shop. I walk in, Buying a coffee and sitting in an empty booth in the corner.

As I'm sipping on my coffee, I check my twitter. And again, I see a gazillion of One Direction Fangirls. Like, seriously? What's so great about 5 hot British/Irish guys that have amazing voices? Okay, I don't hate them, but all the obsessive Fangirls give me a headache.

So, I decide to tweet.

@kylerelizabethx: All this One Direction talk is giving me a headache, but who cares I'm living in London!

As I press tweet, I notice two teenage girls about my age walk into the coffee shop. One has dark brown hair with brown eyes, and the other has blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Haha, their faces were priceless."

"I know, I thought Louis was going to kill me"

"You should've seen Niall's face, he looked like he wanted to die"

They burst out in laughter. And I just laugh to myself.

As I go to throw my trash away, l accidentally bump into one of them.

"Sorry" I say.

"Oh, it's perfectly fine. We were laughing too hard to notice you. I'm Tori, by the way." The blonde one says.

"And I'm Justice, it's nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Kyler. I just moved here from America."

"That's cool, we moved from America not too long ago", Justice says.

Just then, I get a text from my dad:

From Daddy: Time to come home princess, I made your favorite dinner. Love you.

"Guys, I'm sorry I have to go home. My dad just texted me. Wanna swap numbers? I say, wanting to get to know Tori an Justice better.

"Sure!" They both say.

We swap numbers and right away I get texts from them. I can already tell that we're gonna get along well.


Hey guys, this is my first Fan Fiction I've written. I hope you like it! Please comment if you have any suggestions at all. I love you all(:

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