Chapter 19- Leave me alone..And Rosie.

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Justice's POV:

Today's the day. I am finally getting out of here.

Tori and Niall spent the night last night. Let me tell you, we had a blast. Best last night at the hospital, Ever.

We laughed, told stories, and just had fun. We forgot about the whole accident, and the fact that I was sitting in a hospital bed.

Louis handed me my clothes, which was red skinny jeans, a British flag shirt, and a white beanie. I wore my white converse.

I brushed out my hair, which looks like a total mess, and straightened it, clipping back my bangs. I walked out of the bathroom that was connected to my room and went up to Louis, as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. I still have ta boot on my leg from where I broke it, so I limped slowly, trying to carry my suitcase that Josh and Harry had brought for me.

"I got it, love." Louis said.

"No, I can do it myself. I got this Louis." I said.

He grabbed the bags from me, and I tried taking it away from him, but he was too strong.

He winked at me, and grabbed our suitcases, and I wrapped my arm around his arms.

Then, he stopped, dropping the suitcases, and glared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Hop on." He said crouching down, for me to get on his back.

I jumped on his back, wrapping one leg around his waist, and the other one just hung there because of the stupid boot thing. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing his cheek. Louis grabbed the bags and started walking to the car, like nothing was on his back.

When we got to his car, I sighed in relief that I was finally out of there. I don't want to be back there, EVER.

Louis drove to our flat, where we met everyone else except Kyler, Harry, and Liam who were still at the hospital.


Kyler's POV

Two weeks. Two weeks I've been stuck here. I can't wait to get out next week.

"So, guys. I want to tell you something." I said, nervously.

"What is it?" Liam and Harry asked, putting all their attention on me. They were both on either side of my bed, holding my hands. Except me and Harry's were entwined.

"I'm moving beside your flat, in my own flat. I already talked to my dad, and he's fine with it. He isn't too far away, and I'm almost 18. So, yeah." I said. It was kind of, a spur of the moment thing, and my dad really doesn't need to worry about me.

"That's awesome! So, what does your flat look like?" Liam asked excitingly.

"Well, I've already gotten it decorated and stuff, I called someone. It's a 2 bedroom flat, with 2 full bathrooms. It has a balcony, and a big window in my room, facing Big Ben and the city of London. The theme is more modern, and the colors are grey and indigo. It's like you guys flat, but smaller and different colors." I smiled.

"How are you going to pay for it?" Liam asked.

"Well, I kinda got a job at the coffee shop I'm always at, Starbucks. School doesn't start for 2 months and I've been homeschooled for two years anyways since..." I stopped. "Anyways, and so that's how I'm paying for it. My dad's paid for first month's rent and everything so I should be good until next month." I smiled.

"That's great, Kyler. I'm happy for you. And if you ever need anything, you can always call me, okay?" Liam said, smiling. I'm so glad we're talking again.

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