Chapter 40- The Twinnies.

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Liam's POV

My mind was racing with so many thoughts running through my head...

I shouldn't have forgiven her that easily.

Management is going to kill me for what I did to that fan if they find out.

That fan now hates me.

Management is also going to kill me for leaving the country for a while without notice.

I shut out all my thoughts as I turned to Kyler, our fingers laced together as I led her to a grassy area in the park. I let go of her hand as I took the blanket out of the basket that I had, laying it out on the ground for us to sit on.

When we sat back down, I snaked my arm around her waist as we ate what I packed, just enjoying each other's company.

"So, I just got new roommates." Kyler told me when we were walking back home.


"Yepp. They're kitchen kind of caught on fire and I need help with rent so they're living with me."

"Do you know these people?"

"Yeah. Well, sort of. Me and Harry met them and they're twins. They seem pretty cool. You should bring everybody to come meet them later." She told me, swinging our arms as we walked with our hands together. (A/N: Does that make sense?)

"Sure. And, I think Josh was coming over tonight so do you mind if he comes too?"

"Yeah that's fine."

When we reached our building, she went back to her flat to wait for her new roommates and I went back to mine.


Kyler's POV

When I walked back in to my flat, I called Kelsey to let her know I was home and I got a knock on my door minutes later. There was like 10 people, including Kelsey and Erika, holding boxes and bags in their hands.

"Uhm..." I said.

"Erika decided to go find some strangers." Kelsey rolled her eyes, putting the stuff she was carrying on the floor.

"What? We needed help, and they aren't all strangers. We know John." She replied, pointing to a guy about our age standing behind her.

"I'm not even gonna ask. But, just set your stuff down and I'll show you to your room." I smiled and they both nodded.

"OKAY EVERYONE OUT." Erika shouted.

"But-" the John guy started.

"NO I SAID OUT." Erika yelled before sending everyone a death glare followed by a big sarcastic smile. Kelsey rolled her eyes and I led them to the guest bedroom, that was now their room. It wasn't too small. It was a little smaller than mine, it had a full sized bed, a closet, and ironically two dressers because I had brought mine from my old flat with my dad and this flat came fully furnished.

"It's very nice. Thank you so much." Kelsey said.

"You're welcome. Well, I'll leave you to it. If you need any help, I'll probably be next door. And I'm bringing all my friends here tonight so you'll get to meet them.

"Okey dokey artichokie, we'll see you later!" Erika yelled before I walked out the door. When I got next door, I didn't knock because they told me I didn't have to so I walked in, sitting down on the couch beside Tori and Justice, waiting for everyone to come down here. Everyone down except Liam, everyone moving to go sit with their boyfriends, leaving me and Harry to sit together on the couch.

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