Chapter 4- One Direction.

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Kyler's POV

From: Tori- Want to meet the boys tomorrow? They're crazy but you'll fit right in(: Meet at the coffee shop we met at at 1:00 PM tomorrow.

- Tori xx

I sent a quick text back.

To: Tori- Yeah, I'll be there. (:

-Kyler xx

I got the same text from Justice, and I sent her the same text back.

*Next Day*

It was 11:30. Today, I met Tori and Justice's boyfriends. I'm pretty excited to meet them, but I'm also really nervous. What if they end up not liking me and then they won't hang out with me anymore? I don't know why but I already feel like me and the girls are going to be really close.

I jumped in the shower. When I got out I put on my outfit which was: Light skinny jeans, my grey toms, a grey knit sweater with a beanie. It was fairly cold today so I dressed warm.

When I walked downstairs, I told my dad goodbye and started walking towards the coffee shop. When I got there, Tori and Justice weren't there yet so I went ahead and bought them the coffees they had gotten yesterday when I met them, along with my coffee. I sat in the same booth as I did before, and as usual, I checked my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, pretty much everything to waste time. By, then it was almost 2:00 PM.

What if they did this on purpose? What if they wanted to make fun of me, and leave me here waiting for them. Ugh, why do I always think like this?

Just as I was about to leave, Justice and Tori walked through the door, smiling at me. I smiled back, and handed them their coffees (which were probably cold now but oh well).

"Sorry we were late, Louis wouldn't let me get out of bed." Justice says.

"And Niall wouldn't quit begging me to bring him back Nando's." Tori says after.

"It's fine guys, I'm just really excited!" I say back.

"Then let's go!" Tori shouts.

"FOR NARNIA!!!!" They shout at the same time.

I laugh, I can already tell that today is going to be amazing.

When we arrived at the Flat, Tori and Justice opened the door and yelled: "HONEY I'M HOME!!". I just sat there awkwardly waiting to meet their boyfriends.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and I automatically knew they were going to be crazy. But, I did not expect to see what I saw. All five boys of One Direction were standing there, I did not expect this.

Justice went over to Louis and he picked her up and pecked her on the lips. "This is my boyfriend, Louis."

Niall also pecked Tori on the lips and she said: "And this is Niall, the guy who can eat as much as a cow eats in it's lifetime".

"Heyyy...That's not-okay, yeah it is kind of true." Niall responds back with his thick Irish accent.

As I went down shaking hands and talking to everyone: I stopped when I got to Liam. I immediately felt butterflies in my tummy. Wait, did I just say that? I don't even know him yet.

Yeah, I'm just being weird. Nothing will ever happen between any of us.

We all migrated to the living area and I sat on the floor with Liam, Harry, and Zayn, while the rest were being couples on the couch. They were so cute.

"So, what do you guys want to do?"

Louis asks.

"TRUTH OR DARE!" Harry yells, winking at me and giving me a cheeky smile.

Pretty soon, we were all sat in a circle in this order: Me, Justice, Louis, Zayn, Niall, Tori, Liam, and Then Harry on the other side of me.

"Okay, I'll start" Louis says.

He spins the bottle and it lands on Zayn.

"Zayn, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," he mumbles.

"Would you ever consider getting back with Perrie?"


Zayn spun the bottle and it landed on Tori.

"Tori, Truth or Dare?"


" Who would be the best couple in this room other than you and Niall, and Justice and Louis?"

"Uhm, Kyler and...Liam."

The butterflies are back. But you can't help but just get lost in those amazing-STOP KYLER.

Out of the corner of my eye though, I saw everyone smiling at me or Liam, making us both blush, except for Harry. He was tensed up, and was faking a smile. Why is Liam blushing, and why does Harry look so angry?

Anyways, Tori spun the bottle and it landed on me.

"Kyler, Truth or Dare"


"Okay, Kiss Harry. Just a peck, but you have to kiss him for at least 3 seconds."


Harry smiled his cheeky, flirtatious smile and leaned in, pecking me on the lips.


I immediately backed away.

I spun the bottle and it landed on..of course, Liam.

"Uhm, Truth or Dare?"


"Ermm..Uhm..Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Nope, me and Danielle broke up 2 months ago."

The game continued with a lot of dares like: Harry had to go hit on an old Granpa, yes, I said Grandpa, and he ended up getting beat with a walking stick. Zayn had to kiss the prettiest person, he kissed the mirror, Justice had to try and crawl in Louis' shirt, failing miserably. And Niall had to run in between fans and make it out alive. Yeah, we got in trouble with Paul, the bodyguard, for doing that.

I felt myself around all of them, I had already become so close to them. Louis was probably my BestFriend out of all of them (other than Tori and Justice). He gave me a piggy back ride around the house. It was fun. The best part was, Justice didn't get jealous at all. She knew nothing would happen, what her and Louis have is way too much to risk to get jealous for no reason. Tori and Niall were the same way.

Me and Harry were good friends, he's so flirtatious. And Zayn is so vain. I get along with everyone. Except Liam. He doesn't really talk to me, we talked before Truth or Dare, but now he just tries to avoid me. I hope I didn't do anything wrong. I eventually texted my dad and told him I was just gonna stay here, he didn't mind, and the rest of the gang didn't either. We all sat down and started watching a movie, a scary movie of course. Mama, I've wanted to see it for a long time and we all found a spot in the living room and made ourselves comfortable. Justice and Louis were together on the couch, I sat beside Louis. Zayn and Harry were on the floor, and Niall and Tori were on the love seats. Where was Liam?

About 10 minutes into the movie, Liam walked into the room with popcorn (which Niall stole of course), and looked for a place to sit. Zayn and Harry were practically sprawled on the floor half asleep, and Tori and Niall were taking up the love seats. There was only one spot left, beside me.

He hesitated to sit for a moment, but I lightly nodded my head showing it was okay.

During the middle of the movie, I ended up cuddling up to someone and holding their hand, freaking out.

I thought it was Louis, so I didn't care, but at the end of the movie, when I finally looked, I had grabbed Liam. I immediately felt embarrassed but for some reason I couldn't move. And then I fell unconscious into a deep sleep.


Hello, Lovlies. I know I said that the last one was the last update of the day, but I figured I would give you this one to introduce everyone better. I love you guys(: Comment any suggestions. <3

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