Chapter 44- Where did they go?

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Harry's POV

I woke up from Kyler's couch. I had stayed there last night because Kelsey wasn't comfortable being alone and I don't think she was exactly ready for me to sleep in the same bed as her.

I was still dressed, so I waited for Kelsey to come downstairs before we went next door to me and the boy's flat.

I arrived seeing a frantic Niall, he was running all over the place, his hands in his hair. Once he saw me he looked up with hopeful eyes but they went back to fearful once he realized who I was.

"What is it, Niall?" I asked.

"They're gone." He said.

"Who?" Kelsey asked.

"All of them..Tori, Justice, Kyler, Kenia, Erika...They're gone." Niall said frantically.

We all ran upstairs and woke up everyone, all of us panicking and beginning to get worried.

"What happened last night anyways?" I asked.

"Well, they got high and then on top of that they got wasted and then we took them all to bed and we woke up this morning they were gone." Niall said.

"That's interesting." Kelsey said.

"Do you know of any place Erika or any of them would have gone?" Zayn asked, gripping onto his hair with his hands.

"Well...there's this club that she goes to all the time and she could have gotten them in because she knows the guy at the front." Kelsey said.

"Could you take us there?" Liam asked. Kelsey nodded and soon we were on our way to the club.


Liam's POV

Once Kelsey had given us the directions and we arrived at the almost deserted club, we all piled out and walked in, approaching the bartender that was currently cleaning the counters.

"We're closed!" The guy yelled.

"We actually only have a few questions." I said.

The man huffed and stopped cleaning, walking on the other side of the table to talk to us. "Alright, what is it?" He asked.

"We were wondering if you saw our girlfriends last night." I said, holding up a picture of Kyler, the rest of the boys doing the same.

"Oh, yeah. Best girls of the night." He smirked.

"What do you mean 'best girls of the night'?" Niall said.

"They were...wild. That one," He said, pointing to Kelsey's phone with the picture of Erika. "She's a regular, but she brought the rest of them. They were trashed. All of them were everywhere, dancing, talking to random guys, I think that one even snogged one of them." He said, pointing to Kyler. She kissed someone else. I ignored it for now and let him continue. "Let's see, all of them also got on the bar and tried to strip, but as much as I wanted to see that," he smirked, making me cringe in disgust. "I stopped them before it got too far. I figured they were all too hot to not have a boyfriend. So, you're welcome." He added.

"Do you know where they went after?" Zayn asked.

"No, though the one that's here regularly, talked about going to get 'wet'. I don't know what that meant exactly, but I figure since they are dating you guys they were pretty innocent and meant a pool. But, I have no idea." The guy said and then we left.

"Do you think they would have gone to the pool at our building?" Harry asked.

"It's worth a try." I sighed. If what the bartender said was true, then Kyler cheated on me. I don't care if she didn't know what she was doing, it's still not okay and I don't know what I will do about it.

We went back to our building and went to the gate of the pool. Once we opened it and went in, we searched around for anything we could find that could help us find them.

"I think I see a phone at the bottom of the pool." Zayn said, leaning over to get a better look before Louis pushed him in, causing Zayn to let out a girly squeal and get out of the pool. He started shivering so I gave him my jacket before finally jumping into the pool to get the white iPhone. I brought it out with me and we tried to recognize who's it was.

"It's not Tori's or Kyler's. They both have cases on it. And I'm pretty sure Kenia has a black iPhone." Niall said.

"Well, Erika's is cracked on the back side so you'll know if it's hers." Kelsey said.

I turned it over, and there was no cracks or anything.

"So it has to be Justice's?" I asked. Everyone nodded.

"Well, we can't do it right now, but I'm pretty sure there's a way to get the memory out of this thing and see all the pictures and stuff. We'll take it to the phone place tomorrow or after we find them." I said and everyone agreed.

We eventually left, searching the whole town for the girls but we couldn't find any signs of them.

It then got late, so we had to get home and hope they would end up back here tomorrow. If they weren't, we couldn't bring the police in it because all of us would get in trouble for having weed so we would have to take Justice's phone and see for ourselves.

That night, none of us could sleep without them with us because we were so used to them being there except they weren't this time.

At this point, I'm still frustrated Kyler would cheat on me but I'm so worried about her, that when I see her beautiful face again I'll probably forget about it.

If I ever see her face again.


Short chapters...I'm sorry. The next chapter will be in the girl's POV the day after that night, so technically the next day after they all got trashed.

I love you! Byeeeee.

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