Chapter 47- Fake Love.

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Kyler's POV

"Goodmorning, baby doll." Nathan said to me as I woke up in his arms.

I smiled at him and kissed his lips, wishing it was Liam. But it wasn't. I have to do this for the girls, and for Liam. As of right now, I know I won't be getting out but I think in the past two weeks, my plan is working and the girls may be able to leave next week.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked me just as he did every morning.

"Of course I did, I'm with you." I lied with a fake grin. He pulled me on top of him and attacked my lips with his, and I had to respond or this wouldn't work. I pulled away after a few minutes and rolled off of him to go in the bathroom.

I only got a little time without Nathan, when I was in the bathroom, or when he left. I'm glad he leaves everyday because I get to hang out with the girls a lot more except for being in this room alone with Nathan.

Once I came out finally, Nathan grabbed my waist roughly and pulled me in for another kiss. I smiled into the kiss to make it more believable before pecking his lips one last time and letting him leave.

Once he did, I walked out to see the girls sitting in a circle, as all of them were tear filled.

"When can we leave?" Kenia asked me.

"Soon. The plan is working and he doesn't suspect a thing." I said and they smiled.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just really hard." Tori said and I nodded.

We sat talking for a while, before Nathan came back with pizza for dinner and brought me back in 'our' room is what he is calling it.

I decided to go on the balcony for a while and Nathan followed me out there. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and I leaned into him as we looked out to the town of London. We eventually sat down, head in his chest as I sat in his lap.

I know that even when the girls leave I will have to pretend to love him. My 18th birthday is in a few weeks and I will be spending it with the person who murdered my brother and took me away from the only person I've ever really been in love with.


"Do you know how much I missed you?" Nathan said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Not as much as I missed you." I murmured to make it sound believable. I honestly have no idea how Nathan doesn't see my fear and uncomfortableness around him.

"Can I go hang out with them?" I asked Nathan as I snuggled into him closer in hopes to get a yes.

"Only if you give me another kiss." He said smirking. I nodded and put my lips on his, before pulling away and standing up.

"One more thing." Nathan said.


"Be my girlfriend." He said and I nodded.

"Of course."

I walked back inside and went to talk to the girls, hating myself for cheating on Liam. It's a horrible thing to do but it's what I have to do.

"Hi guys." I said smiling.

"Hi Kyler." They said.

"Having fun?" I asked.

"All we're doing is watching TV." Kenia laughed.

"Are you having fun with Nathan?" They asked. I knew Nathan could and would be listening so I nodded.

"Of course. I'm in love with him." I said and they all nodded in fake excitement.

"I think I'm gonna go to sleep." I said and then walked back into 'our' room. I wanted to stay out there but I knew Nathan would come out there soon anyways to get me.

I went back to Nathan and gave him a kiss before we laid down to go to bed.

"So I think I'm gonna take you out." Nathan told me.

"Okay..." I said.

"I have something special planned." He said and I nodded smiling.

He kissed my lips before wrapping his arms around me as I tried to imagine it was Liam's warmth.






















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