Chapter 36- I'm bored.

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Kyler's POV

When I woke up, Liam was still asleep. He was lying on his back, his arm around my waist, and I was turned to the side with my head on his chest area.

"Liaaaaaam." I said. I said it a few more times and he finally woke up.

"Good morning, lovely." He said in a deep tired voice. He sat up, leaning against the headboard.

"Morning." I said, laying my head on his chest again. He pulled me onto his lap and kissed my forehead.

"Come on, get up. We're taking Austin and Hannah out because we're leaving tomorrow." Liam said, making me groan. I don't wanna get up yet."

"Fine." Liam said, smirking. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, making me giggle as I hung upside down. He ran all the way downstairs, where everyone was looking at me and Liam weirdly.

"Oh hi guys." I waved, Liam still holding me upside down. Liam let me down and we went to the kitchen to help make breakfast.

Then, an idea popped in my head.

"Hey, Austin." I said, smirking, holding my hands behind my back which was holding an egg.


I cracked my egg on his head, and he glared at me while I laughed hysterically.

"You're gonna get it." He said, taking flour and throwing it all over me. I shrieked as I grabbed the maple syrup and put it on Tori. She then threw milk all over me. Then, Niall and Liam eventually joined in.

At the end of it, we were all covered in egg, milk, syrup, pancake mix, orange juice, even whipped cream. We were disgusting.

We got Austin and Hannah to take pictures of the four of us, then we got pictures of them, then we set a timer on my phone and we all got in. There was also pictures of each couple doing something silly.

"I'm going to shower." Niall said.

"Wait! I have a better idea!" Tori smirked.

"We all looked at her confusingly. "Water hose." She said.

We all ran outside, Liam being the fastest runner getting to it first. He sprayed all of us, and then we each took a turn, rinsing ourselves off with the freezing cold water. After we all washed up, we were drenched. Tori took a shower first, then Niall, then Hannah, then Liam, then Austin, then me since I started it. I had to clean up the mess.

After the kitchen was spotless and we were all cleaned and changed, we all got ready to go out.

"Why are we going out?" Hannah asked.

"Because we need to have fun before you get fat. And I'm bored." I snickered, causing everyone else to laugh uncontrollably except for Hannah.

"I'm pregnant. I can't help it!" Hannah yelled before tears started streaming down her face. Damn hormones, now I feel bad.

"Sorry, Hannah." I said. After five minutes, she was fine. She laughed about it, and apologized. I shrugged it off, I understand she's pregnant.

We all got ready, us girls wearing high waisted denim shorts, and crop tops, and the boys wore jeans.

When we were ready, Liam grabbed my hand, and Austin grabbed Hannah's. Tori and Niall didn't? What the heck?

"Hello? What's up with you two?" I said, grabbing Tori by the arm.

"I don't know, he's just been acting weird." She whispered. What?

I rolled my eyes and let her go, and as we walked out, I grabbed Niall and held him back while everyone else went to the car.

"Niall, what's up?"

"Well, I just got a text from management. They said Tori was seen with another guy and they sent me a picture." He said and showing me his phone. It was Tori and mystery guy kissing. I stared at it for a while until I noticed something.

"Niall, look at the dudes lips."


"You can't have two different shades of lips. That part is your lips and the rest is the guys. It's Photo shopped." I pointed it out and he smiled.

"Ooooohhhhh. THANK YOU SO MUCH I WAS SO SCARED." He yelled picking me up and hugging me.

"Niall, I can't breathe. Let's go." I said when he removed his grip. When we got there Tori and Liam were leaned against the car and Austin was in the drivers seat while Hannah was in the passengers seat.

All four of us squeezed in the backseat, It was Liam at the window, then me, then Niall, then Tori because she demanded to have the window.

"Oh my gosh, screw this." Niall said before pulling Tori in his lap. I laughed as Tori puckered up her lips like a duck face, and kissed his lips awkwardly.

Liam wrapped his arm around me before pulling me in his lap also.

"Austin, you remember where to go right?"

"Duh, the skating rink."

We drove for about 10 minutes, until we reached the parking lot. We all piled out and went in, paying and getting our skates to put on. Once everyone was ready, all of us joined hands, Austin and Hannah leading all of us since they were the best skaters.

Right when we started skating, we all split up into two because a big line was just too hard. Niall was pretty good at it, but Tori was just barely standing. Niall started skating backwards and Tori gripped his forearms. Me and Liam held hands, but I kept falling on my butt so he would help me up.

Eventually some fans noticed us, and I took pictures for them. Liam and Niall signed autographs, took pictures, gave them hugs while we watched. It was nice to see them like that.

Once we were done skating, we stopped at McDonalds and picked up something to eat.

We got back to the beach house, everyone laying down on the couch and watching The Host. By the end, Austin and Hannah were crying and Tori was laughing. After watching a few movies and having a lot of popcorn fights, Tori and Niall went into their room to pack, and we followed after them so we could pack also.

After packing, me and Liam were exhausted so we decided to go to sleep since our flight left early the next morning. I left my toothbrush and toothpaste, hairbrush, and change of clothes out for tomorrow.

"Goodnight." I whispered to Liam as we laid in the bed.

"Goodnight, I love you." He said, making my heart flutter.

"And I love you."


How's it going bros, my name is PewwwwwDiieeeeePieeee!

I wish, haha.

Wait, no I don't.

I don't wanna be a booooooyyyy.

I can be Marzia. :DDDDDDDDD

Sorry for the short chapter. I have a life, you know? Haha, just kidding I have no life.



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