Chapter 42- Browniesss.

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Kyler's POV

"Good Morning." Liam chirped from beside me.

"Morning." I lazily smiled back. I turned to face him, and he leaned in to kiss me but I shook my head, covering my mouth and giggling. "What?" He said playfully.

"Morning breath. I have morning breath." I said, it coming out in muffles since my hand was covering my mouth.

"I don't care, babe. We both have it." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and finally gave in, pecking him on the lips and sitting up in his bed.

"What are we doing today?" I asked him.

"Well, Harry and Kelsey have a date today..." He murmured. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at him with confusion at his sudden mood change.

Realization finally hit me, so I kissed him. I kissed him for longer than usual, putting my hands on his chest, his hands cupping my cheeks. "Stop it." I whispered. I kissed his cheek and grabbed his hand, walking down the stairs with him.

Everyone was lounging on the couches, watching some soccer game. Wait, it's called football here.

I really need to remember that.

"KYLER. GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW." Erika screamed as loud as she could through the flat walls. Liam walked in my flat with me, and when I walked in I saw Josh and a black cat on the couch.

Wait, cat?

"Hello! Meet Raven!" Erika said.

"Uhm..." I started.

"Can I keep him, pleeeeaaasseee?" Erika pleaded.

"Sure. He's cute." I smiled. She literally tackled me to the ground, making us both fall.

"Ow." I mumbled. Erika stood up and put her hand out to help me. I grabbed it, jumping off the ground.

I sat on the couch in between Erika and Liam, his arm going around my waist. Josh and Erika held hands as we sat on the couch watching television. Kelsey eventually came downstairs all dressed and looking very beautiful in a coral dress and heels. Her hair was straight. Was it already time for their date?

A knock at the door startled me as I got up. "I got it!" I yelled and stood up, opening the door to see Harry stand there with flowers. "AWH THANK YOU HARRY!" I yelled, even though I knew they were for Kelsey. I just wanted to watch him squirm.

"Erm...Uhh....They aren't...uhm..." He stammered. His nervousness caused me to giggle. He looked at me with confusion. "Calm down, Harry. I know they aren't for me, they're Kelseys. I'm in my pajamas and who said I would date you?" I teased and he smiled, letting out a few laughs himself. I snatched the flowers out of his hand and grabbed his hand, pulling him into the living room and he stopped when he saw Kelsey. I smiled at his nervousness, they were so cute and I was glad he was happy again. I handed the flowers back to him and he just stood there in front of Kelsey like an idiot.

"Compliment her you idiot." I whispered from behind him and pushed him closer to her.

"You, You look beautiful." He said.

"Thank you." She blushed. He gave her the flowers and she smiled, thanking him and putting them in the kitchen. After we said goodbyes, they left and we went back to watching television.

There was a knock, again, after about 30 minutes.


Erika jumped up and looked through the peephole and then ran back in here.

"I'm not here." She whispered. It was probably that John guy that she was talking about.

I got up and opened the door, a boy our age standing there with a platter in his hand. Brownies.

"Uhm. Hi?" I said. He handed me the brownies and looked over my shoulder.

"Is Erika here?" He asked.

"Yeah, but she told me to say she wasn't. Thanks for the brownies." I said, slamming the door in his face.

'ERIKA JOHN BROUGHT BROWNIES." I yelled as I walked back in the room.

"Okay, just set them on the counter!" She yelled back. I put them in the kitchen, then walked back in the living room and sat back beside Liam.

"What's with the brownies anyways?" Josh asked.

"That's the only reason I keep him around. They're really good. I only like him for his brownies." She shrugged. Josh laughed and we all looked at him confusingly.

"What?" We all said.

"Do you ever wonder if he's put something in it? Like weed?" He giggled. We all laughed except Erika, she just looked at him like he was stupid. "No. John's not that smart. He wouldn't think of that." She said and we all nodded in agreement.

"Well..." Liam said.

"You guys want to go next door? I'm bored." Erika said.

"Yeah, sure." I said.

"But, first, let me bring the brownies! We can all eat them there." I smiled. Everyone nodded. Josh went and picked them up, and smelled them, chuckling to himself then going to Liam and whispering something in his ear. Liam's eyes widened for a moment but he quickly went back to normal when he saw me looking at him.

"What?" Me and Erika said to the boys standing in front of us.

"Nothing. Let's go." Liam said, grabbing my hand as we went next door. Once we got there, everyone (except Harry and Kelsey, of course), was there laying around, doing absolutely nothing.

"Hey guys." I said, receiving various greetings back.

"Soooo....Guess what?" Erika said.

"We brought....BROWNIES!" Erika added.

"FOOD." Niall yelled. Josh once again whispered in Niall's ear and he laughed. "Never mind. I'll pass." He said, then whispered to Zayn and Louis something and they both 'passed' too.

"Okay, I guess us girls get to eat all of them." Justice said.

"Sounds good to me." Tori smiled.



This probably sucks. -_-

Sorry. I don't really know what to write.

Annnnyyywwaaayyyyssss....Once this story is over I'm uploading a Harry fan fiction. Soooo...When I put it up, I shall tell you. (Also coming soon, are Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn fan fictions. But, those will be a while.)

Okay. So, I love you guys, and I will be updating as soon as I can.


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