Chapter 7- Day with Liam

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Kyler's POV

It's been a few days since I met the boys. Ever since then I've been at their flat a lot. Me and Tori and Justice are closer than ever, and Out of the boys I'm closest to Louis.

Liam and Harry have been acting really weird lately. Like, one minute we're all laughing, and then I look to Harry and Liam and they're both just sitting there, staring into space and deep in thought. What is up with them? Anytime I even try to talk to them, they find a reason to go away and avoid me. Did I do something wrong?

What if they hate me now but they don't want to say anything?

I feel like I'm intruding on them now. Should I talk to them about it? Should I leave? What am I supposed to do?

I decided that it's probably best if I go. I'll see Tori and Justice soon, I hope. And I hope to see the boys too.

Oh yeah, I realized that I really do like Liam. I have a small crush on Harry, that's it. But, who doesn't have a crush on a cheeky curly haired boy with adorable dimples. I really am falling for Liam, but it sucks when he's completely avoiding you.

I had spent another night with them in their flat, but I slept on the couch. I woke up really early the next morning, making sure not to wake anyone and I left. I walked straight to the coffee shop, grabbed two coffees for me and my dad, and walked out. Ignoring everyone who got in my way.

Who would've known that my only friends in London would hate me before the week ends.

I walked down the street at a moderate pace, viewing the beautiful streets of London as I was going home. This was my home, for once I felt like both me and my dad love it here.

When I got back to our flat, I went straight to my bedroom, dropping my bag and plopping down on the bed.

When I pulled my phone out, this is what it looked like:

7 New Text Messages.  

20 Missed Calls.  

16 New Voicemails.

I checked my texts first.

From: Tori 

-Where did you go Woman?!?! We're all worried about you!

From: Justice 

-YOU LEFT US WITH THESE CRAZY PEOPLE. I will throw rotten carrots at you if you don't come back! Or at least answer the phone!

From: DJ Malik 

-Vas Happenin'?! One minute you're here, the next your gone!

From: Nando's 

-You better just be out getting Nando's. Come back!!!


-SUPERMAN SHALL SAVE YOU! Me and my carrot girl are coming for you!! But, seriously. Where are you? I thought we had something special!! Hahahah.

I definitely did not expect the last texts I received.

From: Hazza(; 

-I miss you.

From: Spoons 

-Did I do something? Please tell me you're okay.

Why are they texting me? They've been avoiding me, and now they're trying to say they're worried about me? I doubt that.

Next I checked my missed calls.  

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