Chapter 6- Unexpected Confusion

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Harry's POV

Last night was absolutely the most fun I've had in a while. We played Truth or Dare, which consisted o probably the dumbest and pointless things ever. Other than the kiss. With Kyler.

I think I'm starting to have feelings for her. I don't know why, but I always feel butterflies when we touch, especially when we kissed.

After that, we watched a movie. I wanted to just pull Kyler on the floor with me and keep her safe and warm, but I knew she wouldn't do that. He just sat on the couch beside Louis, her new best friend practically, (I don't mind, he has Justice) and looked terrified. About 10 minutes into the movie, Liam walked in the room. He sat beside Kyler, and I immediately felt jealous. After a while, she was holding his hand, cuddling up to him, scared out of her mind. But, her eyes stayed glued to the movie.

Anyways, this morning as I was walking downstairs, as I walked past Liam's room, I saw her. Laying in his bed, still wearing her clothes from last night. Did Liam sleep beside her? Does he like her too?

I don't know, but we'll have to figure this out eventually. I'm starting to like this girl a lot. And I just met her. But, it's just like, she doesn't care we're in a big boyband. She likes us for us. For once, it's not about One Direction, or our money. She's not one of those fake girls who use us for our money. She's real.

Should I ask her out on a date? I could take her out, just me and her, and confess these weird feelings I'm feeling. Maybe she'll understand. I think she will, she's a good listener. And she's so hyper and jumpy, it's hilarious. It's like she doesn't have a care in the world. And-

Harry Stop It. It's just a girl, you can handle this.

Wait, what if she says no? What if she already has a boyfriend? What if she likes Liam? That would kill me. Being rejected by her would hurt a lot, but isn't it worth a shot? Shouldn't it be worth it to at Least ask her on a simple date?

Because if she ends up not liking me, then I can just tell her it was a friend gesture, no matter now much it would hurt to say it.

As I still thought about my decisions, I walked downstairs, wondering if Liam was already awake. I felt so relieved with what I found.

Liam was asleep on the couch, in his PJ's, laying there with a pillow and blanket. So, he didn't sleep with her. Thank gosh. There's still a little bit of hope in me that I can ask her out on a date.

But, I still have no idea what I'm going to do. But, I just really hope I make the right decision.

Liam woke up with a smile on his face, obviously waking up from a good dream.

I have to tell him I like Kyler, he needs to know.

"What's up, Mate?" He asks me.

"I need to talk to you, Liam, I have to tell you something."

"Me too" He replies.

"Okay, we'll say it at the same time."




"I think I like Kyler."

That was definitely unexpected.  



Only because I love you guys. And I felt we needed some drama. I love youuuu. Oh. And sorry for the short chapter.

- Kyler xx

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