Chapter 45- I will do what it takes.

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Kyler's POV

When I woke up, the room was spinning and I had a bad headache.

Where am I?

Two big arms were wrapped around my waist, who I was assuming was Liam, but when I turned around to kiss him, it wasn't Liam.

It was...Nathan.

I looked at my surroundings and saw Erika, Tori, Kenia, and Justice sprawled out on the floor in the dresses I assumed we wore last night. I was also wearing a short party dress, my hair down and in a tangled mess from sleeping. We were in a hotel room. What happened last night?

I started panicking, trying to get out of Nathan's strong grasp, but it just got tighter. How did Nathan know where I was? I knew he had the money, but I didn't think he even cared about me any more. And more importantly, I thought he had changed. Before I left America he was so sweet, he was the old Nathan, but, now, I'm not so sure.

Eventually Nathan woke up, causing my body to freeze as he leaned in to kiss me.

"Good morning, baby." Nathan said and I tried my best to fake smile.

"H-hey." I said.

"Sleep well?" He asked as if we were having a normal conversation. I just nodded, too afraid to trust my voice.

"Where are we?" Justice's voice said, looking at me with a horrified expression as she saw me and Nathan. I realized he was shirtless and my dress was covered by the blanket so this probably looked bad.

"Kyler, tell me you didn't." Justice said rather loudly, waking everyone else up.

"It's not what it looks like." Tori spoke up, since she was the only one that knew who Nathan was and what he was capable of. I could see the fear in Tori's eyes, but she was fairly well of hiding it. Everyone else was also confused, all of them but Tori angry with me that I was in bed with another guy, who they had no idea I had history with.

"Where the hell are we?!" Erika yelled, causing everyone to groan.


"We are somewhere that you'll be for a while." Nathan spoke up with a smirk plastered on his face. His arm harshly went around my waist and I knew I couldn't move it.

"Now, I'll be back girls." Nathan said, "And I'll definitely be back to see you." Nathan said to me, kissing me roughly and walking out.

"Let's get the hell out of here before he comes back." Tori said.

"Kyler can stay. She fucking cheated on Liam." Kenia said and I sighed at the thought of Liam. I want nothing more to be in his arms but at the moment, I don't even know where we are.

"Guys, I know who that is too." Tori said.


"This needs to stay between us." I murmured and they all nodded. Right now I am trusting them with my life, literally. I told them everything, from the part where I met Nathan, how he killed Lucas, when Liam came. I made sure not to leave out any detail. I got Tori to unzip my dress so they could see my scarred body, all of them gasping. Tori zipped my dress back up and they still looked at me.

"So why can't we just leave?" Justice said.

"Nathan's parents are filthy rich, so I'm sure we wouldn't all get out of here without being seen." I explained and they slowly nodded.

"So, we're stuck here." Kenia said, all of us nearly to tears at the thought of being with Nathan forever.

"Not necessarily. I have a plan." Tori started, "Okay. So we ask Nathan if we can get a dog and-" she started again before we cut her off, knowing it probably wouldn't work.

"I think I have a better idea, but it will mean we will be here for longer than we want. I can assure you that all of you can get out of here safely." I said and they nodded.

"So, here's my idea. I convince Nathan I'm in love with him, because that's really all he wants, and then when I distract him with a kiss or something," I said cringing at the thought. "Then, you all just leave and I'll tell him that I told you to leave because I just wanted us to be alone forever. This will take a lot of perfect timing, and a lot of planning but when Nathan wants something, it's all he wants. And I can promise you that you will all get out of here." I explained.

"Wait. What about you?" Kenia asked me.

I shrugged. "I'll be fine." I said putting a fake smile on my face. Before they could process what I said, I set up the part I had to do today. It wasn't much of a big deal but it would be to Nathan.

When he finally returned, all of the girls were sitting in the floor and I was in the bed like we planned. He had some kind of clothing store bag on it.

"I bought you some clothes, babe." He said and I smiled. Perfect.

"Can they have those clothes? I want to wear some of yours to bed if that's okay. And since there's an extra room in this hotel room I figured we could have that room to ourselves since it has a big bed and a balcony, and they can have these two beds. Is that okay with you?" I said, biting my lip.

"Are you okay, Kyler?" Nathan asked suspiciously and I nodded.

"Of course. I just..missed you." I answered before putting my lips on his. He immediately responded roughly, cupping my cheeks with his hands as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

All that was running through my mind, was that I knew I had to do this for my best friends to get out safely. I don't even know what's going to happen to me but I may end up here forever.

I will do what it takes to get them out of here. No matter how hard it is to realize I may never see Liam again. I love him so much, yet I'm sitting here making out with my abusive, killing ex-boyfriend.

But I have to do it.




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