Chapter 52- Sophia.

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I figured we needed a comedy chapter, sooooo enjoy(;

By the way, this chapter contains no drama and you don't really need to know anything other than Sophia and Liam are over, so if you don't want to read this chapter you really don't have to.


Tori's POV

There was a knock on the door and we all knew it was Sophia. We didn't really plan what to say, we were just going to wing it. Let the fun begin.

"I'll get it!" I yelled, standing up and Niall followed me. We opened the door and standing there with her arms crossed was Sophia.

"Oh, Hello Sophia. It's very nice to see you." I smiled, giggling as Niall wrapped his arm around my waist and squeezed my sides.

"Hi?" She said puzzled.

"Come on in!" Niall said, dramatically pulling the door open more and letting her in. We followed her as she walked into the living room and sat in between Harry and Niall, Niall pulling me into his lap and kissing my cheek. I giggled as he played with my hair but had to swat him away because he kept kissing me and distracting me from Sophia.

"Sooo...Where's Liam?" Sophia asked.

"About that..." Justice started and Sophia glared at her.

"You guys are over." I said and Niall laughed behind me.

"No we're not." Sophia said.

"Yes you are." Zayn spoke.

"Why don't you call him and we'll prove it? He doesn't love you, he loves Kyler." Harry said.

"You're wrong." Sophia spat.

"We're serious. Call him!" Erika said and Sophia smirked.

"Fine. I will." She said, pulling out her phone and dialing Liam's number, putting it on speaker.

"Hello?" Liam's voice rang through the phone's speaker.

"Liam, aren't we still together? You love me." Sophia said into the phone and Liam fell silent.

"Umm...Listen to whatever they're saying because it's true. I'm sorry, Gotta go!" He said and we all laughed as Sophia dropped her phone on the floor, causing it to crack. She picked it back up and shrieked as she saw the shattered screen.

"Now, Sophia. If you would please go home and don't come back it would be greatly appreciated." I said and Niall kept laughing.

"You people are weird. He's going to regret this!" Sophia yelled and we laughed as she stood up, straightening out her dress.

"Bye!" Harry said sarcastically.

"Please don't come back!" Erika added.

"Go make out with a turtle!" I yelled and she didn't even look back at us as she walked out of the door and hopefully out of our lives.

"Thank god, I hate that bitch." Harry said and we laughed.

"Why did Liam date her anyways?" Niall asked.

"Well, maybe he just wanted to get away from everything that reminded him of Kyler because Kyler and Sophia look nothing alike. And Sophia didn't care if Liam touched her in public and stuff. Kyler and Sophia are complete opposites, and that's probably why he chose her." Harry said and we all nodded in agreement.

"I bet she will go make out with a turtle and then hopefully she'll turn into a turtle. That would be nice." Louis said, making us burst out in laughter once again.

"I'm just glad she's finally gone and we'll get out bestfriend back." Justice said.

"And our Liam back." Zayn added.



So, as I said before, this chapter was not serious. I do not intend to hurt Sophia nor do I want to send hate to her regardless of how I feel about her. I want what's best for Liam and if he thinks that she is the best then so be it. I just don't get the right vibe for her and she comes off as rude. I don't know her though so I can't really judge that much.

Anyways, I love you guys!


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