Chapter 22- Cheating.

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Harry's POV:

"Kyler. Kyler, love. Wake up." I said, poking Kyler on her sides.

Today she finally got out of the hospital. I convinced the doctor that she was okay and he was releasing her today so she can settle in her flat. But, really. I had already set up her room like it was back in her flat with her dad, and I had put everything she needed in her bathroom and kitchen, stocking her kitchen up with food. Luckily, the flats in this building come already furnished so we didn't have to worry about that. All the boys helped me set it up, and we made sure it was perfect.

"Kyler. Get up, Beautiful." I said, kissing her.

"Are you talking to yourself?" Kyler mumbled, her eyes still glued shut.

"No, I'm talking to you, gorgeous." I smiled.

"No. You're the only attractive one in here. So stop talking to yourself so I can sleep." She mumbled, keeping her eyes shut and turning around.

"Fine. I'll just leave you here. With no ride." I said, teasing her.

"I'll just go hang out with Rosie." She said, with sass in her voice.

"Kyler. Please, love. Get up so we can go." I said.


"Fine. I'll give you a few more minutes." I said, getting off of her bed.

Kyler's phone suddenly started buzzing, and the name 'Austinnn' popped up, with the picture being Kyler on some guy's back, kissing his cheek as he grinned in the camera. I didn't know if I should answer it so I finally just picked it up.

"Hello?" I said, trying to stay calm.

"Oh. Hi. Is Kyler anywhere around?" The voice responded.

"No. She's sleeping."

"Okay. Well, when she wakes up, will you tell her Austin called and said he missed her and loves her?"

I was filled with anger. Why would Kyler do this to me? I thought she was different.

"Sure. Of course." I growled in the phone, pressing the end button and walking out the room, slamming the door shut. I'm guessing it jolted Kyler awake, because soon enough, she was following me in the hallway.

"Harry?" She asked confusingly.

I didn't answer. I just kept walking.

When she finally got fully caught up to me, she stopped in front of me.

"Harry, what's wrong?" She said, full seriousness and worry in her voice.

"Why don't you go ask Austin?"

"What?" She asked, looking at me with complete and utter confusion.

"Oh, yeah. And he said he loves and misses you Kyler."

"Harry, what are you talking about?"

"Don't. We're done. I can't believe you would cheat on me with that Austin guy that I don't even know. I thought you were different, Kyler." I snapped, angrily balling my fists up tightly.

I was so angry, that I punched the wall, making Kyler jump in fear. Her eyes were full of tears, and she backed up, going back to her room.

But, what she did to me hurt.

Because I love her. I do. I love Kyler.

I immediately felt guilty for scaring her, but I just went down the elevator, speeding out of the hospital.

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