Chapter 10- Tears and Apologies

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Harry's POV

I was just about to ask her to be my girlfriend, but she went to take a shower, leaving me to my thoughts.

Literally, about 5 minutes later, she was back, walking at a fast pace towards the door, tears falling down her cheeks.

I stopped her, confused and worried. What happened?

"Kyler, what's wrong?"

"Just go, Harry."

"No, Kyler. What happened?"

"All of them, even Justice and Tori. They h-hate me. T-they said t-to leave and n-never come back."

"What the heck? They said they loved you, and felt you were already part of the family."

"They obviously lied. I'm leaving. I'll miss all of you guys, I guess this is goodbye."

Before I could respond, she ran out the door, leaving me confused.


I walked into the living room, everyone was sitting there, doing nothing.

Not speaking.


Tori looked like she wanted to cry, Liam and Justice didn't look very happy, and everyone else just, sat there, emotionless.

I was angry. They obviously did something to Kyler. But what?

"What the heck did you say to Kyler?"

"She got what she deserved. Don't worry about her anymore," Justice said back.

"What the heck did she do?"

Tori was still silent, burying her head in Niall's chest, obviously hiding tears. Justice glared at me in anger, holding Louis' hand, very tightly, her knuckles turning white.

"Why don't you ask her? Or better yet, Liam, go ahead explain."

Liam hesitated, but then said: "Having Kyler here was a big mistake. Justice and Tori obviously made a bad judgement to who she is."


"She ruined all of our lives," Justice hissed back.

At that moment, Tori walked straight out of the room, going upstairs, not saying a word.

"Whatever. You guys know she is an amazing girl, just like Justice and Tori. I don't know why you're acting like this, but seriously? What is the problem with her? And I'm not just saying that because I lime her."

At that moment, I walked upstairs, straight into Niall and Tori's room, knowing I can get the real truth from her, because she looks like the only one that isn't angry.

I reached the door, knocking softly, and walking in.


"Yeah." She said, sniffling, trying to hide her tears.

"Will you please tell me what happened?"

"I...Uhm, Okay."

Thank you. I'm just so confused."

"Yeah, I know. Okay, so everything was going amazing, Kyler really is a great, amazing friend. And when she thought we hated her, Liam came to her house and they watched movies and he told her he liked her. And, then she changed the subject and he was a little upset. And then, Kyler told us she likes Liam, and then you asked her out on a date, and she said yes. And, Liam was about to ask her out. Well, after that, Liam was all upset after you two left for your date, and then I walked in on him on the phone with Danielle. And, now him and Danielle are back together. But, you know we all hater her. She's a bitch. Excuse my language. So, everyone's mad at Kyler because she apparently ruined all of us. And, I've tried texting Kyler, telling her I'm sorry, but she just won't answer. I'm getting really worried, but ,I know she's just at home. And they also said for her not to come back, and I just sat there, Harry. I didn't even try to stop her." Her tears had come back.

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