Chapter 46- Clues.

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Liam's POV

2 weeks.

That's how long it's been since we've seen them. The worse part is, we have a tour in about a month. And we haven't got a clue where they are. We have been debating whether or not to get the police involved, but I don't think we should. This is our problem, not theirs. They don't give a shit about us.

"Hey. I think Justice's phone is here." Louis said, walking into the room with a package. We quickly opened it to see her brand new phone and we turned it on.

"Here goes nothing." Louis said, clicking on the photos. Most of them didn't help so we kept scrolling. Until one picture caught my eye.

"Wait." I said.

"I don't think you want to see that, Mate." Niall said.

"Yes I do just let me see it." I snapped. I felt bad for being so rude, but it's really hard for me, well, all of us to sleep because we are so used to having someone with us. Josh is the better one of all of us, but he's still worried sick about Erika.

Louis handed me the phone and it was a picture of Justice and Tori attempting to take a picture, but what caught my eye was what was in the background. It was Kyler. Her lips were on an unknown guy. So it's true, I never thought she would do something like this, regardless of her drunken state.

I scrolled to the next picture, that was the one taken before that, and it was the same picture of Justice and Tori, but Kyler was different. Her and the guy were not kissing, in fact he was grabbing her waist while she just stood there. I don't understand.

The next picture was a lot more clear. I could see the smile on her face, but she looked slightly uncomfortable as the boy held her waist tight, smirking at her.

The boy was recognizable, I knew him from somewhere.

I looked closer...Oh no.

It's Nathan.

I dropped the phone in shock, luckily not breaking as it hit the hard wood flooring.

"Oh my god." I breathed out, picking the phone back up and analyzing the picture once more.

"We told you that you wouldn't want-" Louis started but I cut him off.

"It's Nathan." I murmured.

"What?" Niall said.

"Who's Nathan?" Zayn asked.

"I can't tell you any details. It's not my story to tell. But Nathan is a bad person. He's in love with Kyler and I guess now he's even more determined to have her since we went public. How could I have been so stupid? I didn't think he would come all the way back here. This is all my fault. I promised to protect her and I didn't." I said.

"It isn't your fault. We have so many clues just from this picture now so he can't be far from here unless they have traveled." Niall said.

"They couldn't travel. He has five girls with him, how is he supposed to get them all in one car without it looking suspicious or someone noticing them? Wherever they were two weeks ago is where they are now." Harry said and we all nodded in agreement.

"Well, what are we gonna do?" I asked.

"There isn't much we can do but keep looking. Nathan can't keep them in there without him having to leave to get the things they need. So now that we all know what he looks like it will be much easier to find him." Louis said.

We will find them, and when we do I will never let Kyler go again.

An idea sprung in my head and I left the flat in a rush as I headed to where I was going to and purchasing everything I would need for this. Once I returned to the flat, I put everything in my room and stuffed it under the bed in hopes I would get to use it soon.

This is and will be the biggest thing I have ever done.

And also the best if I get the chance to do it.

I stripped to my boxers and attempted to go to sleep as I tried to imagine Kyler being here with me.

But, just as every other night, we all ended up sleepless and went to visit Rosie, something we have been doing more often now since we are on break because tour is soon.

When we reached the hospital, Rosie greeted us nicely and Harry sat on the bed with her. She doesn't scream anymore with us because we are here so often she doesn't even realize we're famous anymore.

"Harry? Can I to Liam for a second?" Rosie asked and we both nodded, switching spots as I came to lay on the bed beside Rosie and kiss her forehead.

"Liam? Why hasn't Kyler been here? Does she still love me?" Rosie asked with a sad expression.

"Of course she does. Kyler is somewhere that she can't get away from right now so she can't visit you for a hole. None of the girls will be able to visit you except for Kelsey." I said, attempting to put a smile on my face.

"Kelsey and Harry are a cute couple. Way cuter than Kyler and Harry. I want you and Kyler to be together." She said excitedly and Harry laughed, wrapping his arm around Kelsey's waist. He's so happy now with her and I am very happy I don't have to worry about him anymore.

"We are together, babe." I said.

"What? You never told me." She said and I smiled.

"I know. I'm sorry, Posie." I said and she nodded.

"I think we're gonna have to go now if that's okay. We have some stuff to do. I'm sorry we kept you awake." I said and she smiled.

"It's okay. I feel a lot better now and Mommy told me I get to go home after all my treatments are done at the end of the week!" She said, making my smile bigger.

"That's great, babe. We'll see you soon, okay?" Louis said and she nodded before we left the hospital room after saying goodbye to her parents.

Once we reached home, we all attempted to go to sleep once more and we eventually made it to sleep for maybe 2 hours before waking up once more and looking for Nathan.



You should read my Harry fan fiction! It's called Change. Plleaaasseee check it out.

I love you.


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