Chapter 26- Here's my Story.

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Nathan's POV:

I had canceled me and Kyler's date today so I could watch her, see what she does without me.

Kyler is the girl I was in love with. The girl that I caused pain to. She's mine. Kyler will always be mine, and no one can stop me. When she left the country, and I found out it was because of me, I was mad. And I was even madder that she was dating that Harry guy. When Kyler came back, she was different. Her hair had gotten a lot longer, her eyes were a brighter green, but they were filled with sadness, her style was different, she was taller, and she had dyed her hair a deeper red color. The only thing that was the same was her tanned skin, but she had gotten slightly smaller. I guess she really had started over. But, when she came back, I knew it was my chance. I had been in jail for months now, but my parents were rich and got a great lawyer, and paid loads of money to get me out. So, I had to take back what was mine. Which was her.

She had been sitting on the edge of the dock thing for a while, until she picked up the phone, but I could only hear her side of the conversation.

"Hello?...I miss you too, Liam....Uhm, fine...W-what?" Was all I hear before a random guy came up behind her, though I couldn't see his face.

Kyler turned around, shocked to see him, as she ran and jumped on him, and he picked her up and spun her around. She looked so happy, not like when she's around me. She's tense and frightened. When he was finally facing where I could see him, I saw that he was a guy from that boyband. It started with an L, I think.

I saw that Kyler was crying, and then she said something that made me boil with anger. "I love you too, Liam." I was furious.

Then, they kissed. A long, kiss that made my heart break at the sight of it. He's taking what's mine, and I'm not gonna let him get away with that.

When they pulled away, they mumbled a few words that I couldn't make out and smiled at eachother. I was just about to storm out there, when I saw tears flowing down her cheeks, and she bolted. Now's my chance to get her. I'll deal with that Liam guy later.

I went in the direction she ran, looking everywhere for her. Knowing her she went somewhere other than home, where no one will find her. I searched and searched until I found her, on the steps to go to the beach. She had her face in her hands, and she was crying.

But I was furious. She's mine. Only mine.

I walked up behind her, yanking her up by her forearm.

She looked up at me with scared eyes, then quickly looked away.

"Who the fuck was that?!?!" I yelled, right in her face, gripping her wrists in my hands, which made her jump.

"It was Liam. It was just a friend." She said softly, looking down at her feet.

"It didn't look like 'just a friend'! You go around kissing and telling your friends you love them! How many times do I have to tell you that you. Are. MINE?!" I said, gripping her wrists harder.

"Please just let me go." She said, as she winced in pain. I gripped her wrists as hard as I could before kneeing her in the stomach, letting go, making her fall to the ground.

I walked away, angrily, going to find that Liam guy to give him a piece of my mind.


Liam's POV:

I knew that the kiss was real, when she told me she loved me I was skeptical, but that kiss changed everything. I knew she loved me and I'm glad she does. But, then she ran.

I was frozen. I watched her run off, but I knew no matter how much I wanted to running after her would make things worse. I stayed like that for a while, until a buzzing in my pocket told me I had a text message.

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