Chapted 31- Set-Up/Date Preparation.

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Niall's POV

"Niall. Let me go so we can go shopping." Tori giggled, trying to pry my arms from around her waist.

"Tooorrriiiiiiiiii. Don't leave me." I whined, pulling her closer to me.

"Niall, Kyler is not doing well right now and we need to get out of here before Liam gets down here and she has another breakdown. I can't let that happen." She explained.

"FINE. But, I'm only letting you go because I have to deal with Liam." I said, letting her go.

"Thank you." She smiled, pecking me on the lips. "Bye, Ni."

"I loveee youuuu." I smiled. "I love you too." She giggled, before skipping off the couch and getting Kyler from the kitchen so they can go.

I heard Tori yelling something like 'get off your bum and quit moping' and then her and Kyler came out, walking out the door. I chuckled to myself as I turned on the telly, looking for something to watch. A few minutes later, Liam came sprinting downstairs, looking around, sighing, then walking back upstairs. I got up, walking upstairs after him to see if I could do anything. When I reached him and Kyler's room, I knocked on the door quietly before opening the door, revealing an upset Liam sitting at the edge of the bed, his head in his hands.

"What's up, mate?" I took a seat beside him.

"She loves me, Ni. And I screwed it all up. I love her, though." Liam sighed, handing me a folded up piece of paper.

"Read it. It's a letter." He said. I unfolded it, reading what it said, and sighing as I finished it.

"Liam, what happened? Why did you do this?" I asked. I know Liam loves Kyler, and now I know Kyler feels the same way, I just need to know exactly what's going through his head before I tried to fix this.

"I thought, I thought us being together was too complicated for her. She's already getting so much hate, and us being together was just too hard. I wasn't thinking, I didn't know what to do, I just wanted her to be happy." He said.

"Mate, she's happy with you. She would have needed you to fix her, but, you broke her. And you have to get her back before it's too late. And I think I have an idea." I answered, pulling out my phone. I texted Tori, telling her to make Kyler get something nice, so my plan would work. Tori texted back, agreeing, and I told Liam what I had in mind. He happily agreed and we set everything up for later tonight.

"Okay. So, we're all going to dinner, and then me and Tori will leave and come back here, while you and Kyler will go and talk everything out. I promise this will work, Liam. She loves you and you love her. Now, let's go get our suits." I smiled reassuringly. Liam returned a small smile back, and we got up and went on our way, staying out of the house until tonight.


Tori's POV

Me and Kyler had been shopping for hours. Kyler had bought some shorts and tank tops, and I had bought the same. I was trying to convince Kyler to get nicer stuff, because Niall texted me, but she refused. She rejected any dress I threw at her.

We were in the dressing room, Kyler trying on a short black sparkle dress.

"I don't like it Tori, it's too short." Kyler complained. I huffed in annoyance rolling my eyes, as I searched the store for a different one.

I looked and looked until I spotted it. A perfect dress in the window of the store across from us. It was a very light grey with a shorter bottom in the front, and a longer on in the back. It had sparkles scattered all over it. It also came with a dark blue belt. It was gorgeous.

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