Chapter 28- Alone.

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Liam's POV

"No! Please stop!" Kyler screamed, startling me awake. My arms were around her waist, her chest against mine, but she was still tossing and turning. She had tears rolling down her cheeks, but her eyes were still glued shut. Meaning she was still asleep. I didn't want to wake her, but she's having a nightmare.

"Kyler. Kyler, Love. Wake up babe." I whispered in her ear.

Her eyes shot open, I could feel her fast heartbeat against my bare chest. When she looked up at me, she relaxed, as I wiped the tears off of her face.

"Good morning, Gorgeous." I said, kissing her temple.

"Morning, Liam." She whispered quietly.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked, referring to the dream. She shook her head no, and I left it at that. But I can't help but wonder if she still doesn't fully trust me.

"Come on. We're going swimming." I smiled, pulling her closer to me.

"Okay." She smiled back. I kissed her on the nose, making her giggle as she went in the bathroom to get dressed.

I also put on my swimming trunks and a V-neck while waiting for her to get out.

She had been in there 10 minutes now. I was starting to get worried so I knocked on the door. I also jiggled the doorknob but it was locked.


No response.

"Love. Please open the door."

"Hold on." Was all I heard.

"Kyler, please."

She unlocked the door and opened it, glancing at me and then looking back in the mirror, putting her long hair in a messy bun on the top of her head.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yepp. I'm fine. Let's go." She said, smiling at me. I looked at her confused, but followed her out of the bathroom. She put jean shorts and a flowy tank top over her teal bathing suit, then put on her Rainbow brand Flip-Flops.

We walked out the door, telling Austin and Hannah goodbye on the way out, then we walked towards the beach.

"We should walk down a little bit before going to the beach. So we're not right in front of the house." She said.

"Okay." I said, grabbing her hand, intertwining our fingers.

She flinched at first, but then let me grab her hand.


Kyler's POV:

We walked down the strip for a little bit, before I told Liam to turn and walk down the steps to the beach. I then took my flip-flops off, and carried them until we stopped. I took of my shorts and tank top, as Liam took off his V-neck and shoes. I set my phone with my clothes.

We walked towards the water, and when my feet hit the water it was freezing. But, I continued walking. Living in London where it's cold all the time for a while can make a difference.

When the water reached right above my belly button, I stopped and so did Liam, but the water was only at his waist.

I felt big arms snake around my waist, turning my head to see Liam smirking at me. He kissed me on the cheek, then whispered: "You know I love you, right?" I looked at him questionably, until I felt myself being lifted off the ground, then dropped in the water with Liam. I shrieked because of the cold temperature, but I got used to it.

We played in the water for a while, splashing each other, laughing, having a good time. We even tried that underwater kiss thing. We were having a lot of fun.

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