Chapter 55- Home.

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Kyler's POV

"Make another move and I swear I will fucking kill you." Nathan growled, the knife in his other hand brushing against me as his gun pointed at Liam.

"As for you, baby. We're gonna have some fun. Then, maybe you'll learn that you're mine. And we're doing it right in front of him." Nathan growled in my ear and I whimpered, making sure to keep my eyes off of Liam the entire time.

Nathan took the knife off my neck but I didn't dare move. He made it clear to stay still and went in the kitchen. I lifted my head up just for a second to look at Liam and I regretted it. He was already looking at me and he didn't look the least bit terrified. Or he wasn't showing it. "Go." I mouthed before turning away.

Nathan returned with a chair and duct tape and literally picked me up and set me in the chair. He harshly pulled my arms behind my back and covered them in duct tape. He did the same with my legs before turning to Liam. I thought he would have left. He should have left.

"As for you, if I don't kill you today, you will stay the fuck away from us. I love her and you can't change that." Nathan said and i thought of an idea. I can save Liam. Well, I can try.

"Nathan, that's not true." I said, and Nathan turned to me.


"I called him over. Me and him broke up a few weeks ago because he hates me and wanted me to be with you. I just told him to come over because I wanted to talk. He doesn't love me." I said, hoping Liam would keep his mouth shut.

"Oh, so I should be hurting you, not him." Nathan said with a devilish smirk and I nodded.

"That's not true. I love her way more than you ever will." He said and I groaned.

"Don't move a muscle, I'll be back." Nathan told both of us and I nodded.

I realized the tape on my hands weren't very tight and I easily slipped them out after just a little bit of struggle. It was even easier on my legs. I could see out of the corner of my eye Liam was watching me as Nathan left the room. Why isn't Liam leaving?

After I was completely out of my tape, I got out of the chair just as Nathan came back.

I immediately ran over to Liam and stood in front of him. Nathan had the gun pointed at Liam, well me, and he cocked it where at one pull of the trigger I would be dead.

"Move, Kyler. I will fucking shoot you if you don't move." Nathan said and I didn't take a step.

"Go ahead. Do it." I said, trying to hide the terror in my voice.

"Kyler..." Liam said behind me but I ignored it. I was not gonna let my problems affect Liam and his life. He attempted to move me out of the way and I refused to budge.

"Baby. Please move." Nathan said, the gun still pointed at me but I remained where I was.

"No." I was getting really tired of him and I can't be with him anymore even if I wanted to.

"Nathan, you have hurt me for years. You killed my brother. And I came here, to get away from you. I loved you, I really did, but that was before I knew who you really were. I was only with you to protect the person I actually love. And he's standing right behind me," I said, grabbing Liam's hands from behind and grasping on to him as tight as I could, "I am done, Nathan. Maybe, just maybe, if Liam didn't have my heart you would." I said. Nathan's anger vanished, replaced with sadness.

"Y-you don't love me?" He said, the gun now shaking in his hands.

"No." I said lowly.

"Then, I can't do this. I just can't." He said, before turning the gun back to him and putting it on his head, ready to shoot himself.

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